A Taste of His Own Medicine

Michael Wilson is doing to Michael Moore what I had been hoping someone would do for a while: an expose documentary on the fraulent filmaker. He plans to release it against Moore’s Farenheit 9/11, but he needs your help.
Also, Rachel Lucas has a neato cool Michael Moore target. I want one for my next range trip!
BTW, the continuation of Monday’s IMW is tomorrow…

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  1. –Ah, at last… the fat one will get his comeuppance.
    –All joking aside… that fat man is a SERIOUS wack job! He is WAY, WAY out there… worse than the morons at du.

  2. You can not use Michael Moore as a target, he is just way too big! He’s not even good for up close reactionary shooting. If you use Michael Moore as a target your shooting skills will never improve. He is as big as barn!

  3. For what it’s worth:
    I love guns, love shooting, love IMAO, and love Rachel Lucas, but . . .
    . . . I don’t like the idea of using photos of real people as shooting targets at all. (I mean recognizable people – the anonymous perp profiles are another story). Not even Osama. I don’t even like joking about it. I think it gives gun owners a bad image, and I just think the idea of shooting a gun at someone specific (without cause, of course) is creepy.
    Again, take it for what it’s worth.

  4. J Mann
    I can understand where you’re coming from, but my theory is: if one would pop someone in real life, one should have the stamina to pop someone in proxy.
    While that does not go both ways (I wouldn’t actually shoot Michael Moore, as his corupulance would stop the bullet and he would use the attack in a crappy movie), I would pop Osama. Thus I also have the Osama target (in addition to the Saddam Target, the Marx target, and the Mr. Burns target, which is for laughs, not shooting).

  5. Frank, I think he means me.
    Masada, I see your point. I don’t have the face-recognition to be sure I’d recognized Osama,[] but you’re right that if I could be sure I’d run into him, I’d certainly shoot him, so I guess I’d be willing to shoot an Osama target.
    ] I don’t know how the America’s Most Wanted people can recognise that some guy in the checkout lane is the same guy they saw in a mug shot the night before, but it impresses me.

  6. Finally someone is putting Michael Moore in his place. Back about 7 or 8 years ago, Moore decided to downsize his staff,(instead of his waistline). So those he fired went and performed his ambush tactics that Moore had become famous for. The one difference is they did it to him. Mike Moore got so angry he filed a restraining order against these people. The whole story is on american cynic.com. Sorry, if I knew anything about computers I could probably link it. Guns, yes. Computers, nope.
    Oh, i still like the song, For what its worth

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