
Rachel Lucas is back!
Yay to to Tuning Spork and Misha for getting her to return.
She was gone long enough from the blogosphere to be declared legally dead. I owe alot – ALOT – to Rachel Lucas and really hope she’ll get back in the game. For those unfamiliar with her, at least you can go see her archives now.

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  1. “She was gone long enough from the blogosphere to be declared legally dead.”
    Hmmm… does that mean that being in the blogosphere is equivalent to being alive?
    If so, are those of us who aren’t part of the blogosphere equivalent to the unborn?
    If so, will pro-choice bloggers attempt to abort us??
    grabs shotgun I’m ready for ya, you punks! Let’s see you vacuum my brain after I fill you with buckshot!!

    I want to read more rants against the asshats, and bloated nutpigs of the world. Oh, and also see sunny and digger again (I really miss having pets) I liked reading her gushing over them 🙂

  3. Yep. I came here because of Rachel, too. Rachel’s was the first blog I’d ever read. I have no frik’n’ idea how I found her or what I was looking for, and I didn’t even know what a blog was. I just found her and started reading. And laughing. And reading….and saying ‘oh my god…’ and laughing, and so on…

  4. I’m relatively new to the blogosphere and just barely made it in time to read her stuff before it went blank… she is one f***ing funny lady!! I’m so thrilled that she’s back… yay!! Good shit, Rachel.

  5. W E L C O M E * B A C K * R A C H E L !!!
    Woooohooo! I’ve got a yard full of oaks – I’m going out to tie Yellow Ribbons everywhere…
    I was a blog-woorgin until I met Rachel – God how I’ve missed my ‘first’! And of course, I have her to thank for finding IMAO…
    (Sorry, Frank, I guess it’s sentimental. Just don’t YOU think of going anywhere… IMAO is still my favorite blog, and if you stop blogging, I’m organizing a hunting party – we WILL find you and chain you to your PC… “TYPE damnit, TYPE! Damn the grammatical errors, BE FUNNY OR ELSE!”) 😉

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