Conversation with a Muckadoo

Okay, I write some long list basically calling Michael Moore fat and disgusting in every sentence, and look what someone writes me:

Picking at details and not looking at the big picture in the message that Fahrenheit 9/11 demonstrates is the downfall of Moore’s opponents. MichaelMoore never states that America is not great, only that George Bush and his goons are dragging down that same America into his dictatorship, environment-killing, oil-mongering reality, and that we want to get rid of that blemish. By simple analysis of facts that are in our face we can make a sincere determination as to the types of dynamics that motivate Bush in office.
By harping on alleged lies of Michael Moore, shouldn’t we look at the list of much larger lies that our PRESIDENT has proven himself to state so offensively to the public of the United States?
Thank you, Wa-do Tsu-na-li-i, Diolch yn fawr, Molti Grazie, Muchas> Gracias,
Aaron Carapella

This muckadoo has chosen me for a intelligent debate? Oy. So I write back:

Huh? You serious?

And he writes back:

Wow! What an articulate attempt to confront the content of my message, using displacement as your answer. It is so ironic that those who purport to be able to support such a strong stance fall to non-answers.
Thank you, Wa-do Tsu-na-li-i, Diolch yn fawr, Molti Grazie, Muchas Gracias,
Aaron Carapella

So this guy is about a hundred miles south of Clueville and head in the wrong direction.
I respond:

Who is doing what now?

And he persists:

Really intelligent. People just like you will vote for Bush.
Sad. Too bad he’ll lose.

Oh, he trying to draw me out by making me angry. We know how that always works. And if this guy is so convinced Bush is going to lose, why is he getting his panties in a bunch trying to argue with me? Probably should have asked him that, but instead I wrote:

You’re right. That would be bad, but I think he has a good chance for reelection since Kerry is such a goober (maybe I could write a documentary on that…).
Thanks for writing IMAO. I hope you keep enjoying the site.

And muckadoo says:

I hope you reflect upon whom you are supporting a little bit more.
Take care

The guys parroting the mindless talking points of the left (i.e. being a total muckadoo), and he tells me to “reflect”? So says I:

I have. Bush kills terrorists and anyone else in our way and Kerry is a goober. It’s a stark choice for the voters that should make for a healthy election.
Keep in touch.

Quoth the muckadoo:

Bush is a tyrannical terrorist himself, preemptively attacking nations who have never attacked the US until pushed into defensive mode-not to defend Saddam, but why don’t we “liberate” people who are in countries without oil?
If Bush would have said,”I want to attack Iraq for oil domination” I would have at least respected his candidness. He is a scary felloe hellbent on the world bowing to him. He’ll go out prematurely as his father did.

Crikey! That muckadoo is mad now! Look at him thrash about! Isn’t he beautiful?
And says I:

You’re right; Bush should invade Cuba (or does that have oil). Then maybe he can get reelected. It sure beats being goverened by a goober (though that’s a neat phrase).

And that seemed to get rid of him.

No Comments

  1. On a different note, what are you guys doing with all your oil? Since the start of our imperialistic oil war, they just keep bringing me my share and I am running out of space.
    I now use barrels of oil for a coffee table, night stand and entertainment center. I stacked a bunch up outside to make a garage. I built a big oil barrel fort for my kid and he loves pretending to kill terrorists in it.
    But I am out of ideas. Frank, can you help?

  2. I resent you calling Kerry a goober, as that is an insult to me and all other members of the venerable Arachis Hypogaea family.
    We are a noble line, sir, and do not take well to being linked with that Lycopersicon Esculentum-marrying upstart!

  3. How about if we create a list of all the muckadoo talking points (i.e. Bush lied, war for oil, etc…) and you create a web page for each point plus a rebuttal.
    Then whenever these knotheads send an email you can respond as always but at the end include a list of the URLs for each of their talking points.
    Maybe we could even start an office pool about which one they’ll pull out in their response.

  4. Re: Muckadoo Talking Points
    They claim Bush is an idiot, but he does hold a Harvard MBA. Back in the 1980’s that was always touted as a “Golden Ticket” to success.
    Bush is a fighter pilot. They do have a tendenacy towards arrogrance, but to shoot down other fighter pilots you have to believe in yourself and exhibit a degree of skill. Besides the old F-102 was known as a “Widow Maker”, so a certain amount of bravery should be to his credit as well.
    In comparasion, Algore pounded on a typewriter in Vietnam, got an early release to attend divinity school and then flunked out.
    Kerry’s mode to make a living is defaming his “Band of Brothers” from the safety of Washington D.C. and to marry rich widows.
    But then Muckadoos don’t think, they emote.

  5. You know, I think satire must translate poorly from American into English (or whatever dialect of it they speak in Wales). Or maybe they don’t even have satire; for all we know, Welsh might not have any words except for “bog”, “pint”, and “Oh look, it’s raining again.”

  6. You made a mistake in not trying to reason with that guy, Frank. He is of the rare thinking variety of Bush-haters. Notice that he didn’t just spout off the usual “Bush is Hitler/Satan” line, nor did he state that he hates our country. I certainly don’t agree with what he said, but I respect his attempt to reason with you, as well as his efforts, limited though they were, to advance a coherent logical argument. Kudos to him for that.

  7. Has the limey decided to take the ‘higher road’ by trying to be eloquent?
    Actually, I shouldn’t use the term ‘limey’ as it is derogatory towards Brits. I’ll refer to this species as ‘Inbred Welsh Sheep F***er.’ Limey is my ‘term of endearment’ for the wife.

  8. Really, when you get down to it, every country on Earth has oil. It may not be found in vast quantities in the ground, but you can bet your hiney that at least one mud shack in Sudan will be stocking some 10w-30 Valvoline, at least.
    Now to be a bit more serious, the whole F9/11 thing, and the people who defend it, are very delusional. My friend (former Navy, now Army Reserve) agrees; he was getting irate over how ol’ fat bastard compared Al Qaeda to the minutemen of America. Yeah, last time I checked, Paul Revere didn’t have his fellow soldiers crash wagons full of gunpowder into infirmaries or the town market.
    I think in the next decade, there will be a major shift to conservative, old-fashioned American ideals, “civil rights” and political correctness be damned. More than a few people are getting fed up with these stinking socialist, anti-America hippy types imposing their distorted views and agendas on the rest of us.

  9. Ohh these ignorant muckadoos. I think maybe Kerry is some robot leader who controls their brains. (Bush is bad. Bush lied. Michael Moore isn’t fat, he’s big boned. Michael Moore isn’t ugly….he has a good personality…)
    I say, who cares if Bush lied, as long as he’s getting the terrorists? What do you think parents are doing when they tell their kids about “santa”? LYING. But hey, the kids get presents, and the kids are happy. He’s just protecting us. Yay daddy Bush. Okay disregard that; it sounds weird.
    That’s the new bumper sticker Frank:
    “Don’t be governed by a goober…vote Bush in 2004”
    I like it. Has a nice ring to it.

  10. Cuba? Does that mean we’ll have to listen to chants of “No blood for cigars!” I’m already in NY state where smoking is considered the #1 way to get sent straight to jail followed by a quick road trip to hell. The last thing NY state lawmakers need is another reason to hate smoking.
    BTW:I don’t smoke & I think the law is repugnant.

  11. When a muckadoo confronts me, I think of Ashe in the movie “Army of Darkness”, smile and say “…and THIS IS MY BOOM STICK!!!”
    They don’t listen anyway and 12 ga ammunition is priced very reasonably.

  12. So now you are Frank J. the Muckadoo Hunter?
    Heh. I understand political differences, and (shocking!) don’t always agree with Bush, but the minute someobody says something like “Bush and his goons” and “facts” in the same paragraph, I stop reading.
    Unless it is funny.

  13. Well, isn’t “the big picture” in Fahrenhate a) the US is bad; b) Bush is bad c) Michael Moore hates everything about the US (except, of course, my mansions, my cars, my tax rate compared to every other nation, and the oodles of money I make off moronic liberals?)
    Dictatorship? Yeah, the US is so much like Cuba and North Korea. Boo hoo, libs have is soooo bad here, don’t they?
    Environment-killing? Oh, that’s right. Because Bush is the first president to have the balls to tell the UN where to stick it on “environmental” pap spewed by the UN.
    So let’s ge this straight: Moore’s twisting of facts, facbrications and selective editing are “the truth.” Kerry’s flip flops every 20 seconds are considered taking a stand. And Bush is considered the liar for doing what’s right instead of bending over for the UN.
    Liberals. God.

  14. i totally agree with muckadoo.
    I accidentally stumbled apon this site and as funny it can be, as a anti-bush, pagan, pro-socialist, pro Micheal Moore Australian i am absolutly disgraced by your site.
    Even if Micheal Moore is ”Fat”- what has that got to do with you???
    What does that have to do with anything?
    Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism- its all about oil.
    Its an absolute tragedy that bush got re-elected, and its because of people like you that it happened.
    Thank you for your time.

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