Ronin Thought of the Day

Today’s wisdom comes from maniac samurai G.K. Chesterton:

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

Reflect upon its meaning and reach enlightenment.

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  1. Plot of the Man Who Was Thursday: terrorists are, in fact, all police officers.
    Hey…I’ve got an idea for a New Republic article: Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are, in fact, counter-terrorists who have infiltrated the highest ranks of terrorist organizations and the states which fund them. Intriguery…

  2. Frank’s been reading GK Chesterton! I expect the quality of this blog to steadily increase now, which would be pretty cool considering how good it is now.
    The first step to understanding “The Man Who Was Thursday” is to note its subtitle: “A Nightmare”. This was pointed out by GK himself near the end of his life.
    He mentioned, in the same short piece, that Sunday was not his actual concept of God; which is really obvious enough considering GK’s Catholicism.
    By the way, I don’t understand it either, not completely. I’ve nearly come to the conclusion that it was a kind of inside story, based on the introductory poem: “Who shall understand but you?” Not me, at any rate. But I still love the book.

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