Is That a Classified Document in Your Pants or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

Why couldn’t Sandy Berger just steal furniture like the other Clinton people?
Oh yeah; harder to fit down pants.
I still stick by my statement about Sandy Berger I made some time ago – his name would make a horrible menu item at a fastfood joint.
NOTE: His real first name is Samuel, so I guess going by “Sandy Berger” is better than being known as “Sam Berger.” Heh.
Oh, and be careful with controlling classified documents, kids. It’s no laughing matter.
Heh heh… Sam Berger.
UPDATE: I just thought that Sam Berger was being a moron, but now I hear he had notes hidden in his socks!
Those Clinton people, I tells ya, you gotta keep an eye on them.

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  1. “Is that a swivel chair in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?”
    Of course, Michael Moore could fit one in his back pocket; it would be easily concealed inside his butt-crease.

  2. When did we stop executing people for things like spying and treason? I really want to know. How come people like this don’t swing from a rope or smear down a wall? I tell you, when this country gets to the point where teasonous bastards like this live to make a book deal, we have gotten way too soft.

  3. giggle
    Sandy stuffing these documents into his pants, going home, standing in front of his wife, slowly unzipping his trousers and saying…”Hey baby, here’s something for your eyes only!”

  4. You know not a one of us could get out of Home Depot with a scewdriver we didn’t pay for, yet some a**hole can walk right out of a secured facility with highly classifed documents with impunity. Geeze, when will anyone’s head ever roll for stuff like this?

  5. More on Berger

    IMAO Under the title, “Is that a classified document down your pants or are you just glad to see me?” Frank J parrots our own Trevett: you gotta keep an eye on these Clintonistas. Has anyone tracked John/John on their…

  6. Sandy Burgler:
    “Oh my goodness, I accidentally stuffed these secret documents regarding terrorism which are damaging to the Clinton administration in my pants and brought them home. Well, nothing to do but just throw them away. Or shred them.”
    Sandy Burgler’s wife:
    “Honey, We’re out of toilet paper in the hall bathroom. Can you put some in there.”
    Sandy Burgler:

  7. Didn’t anyone in that administration learn anything from Clinton. You don’t shove anything down your pants, you just whip it out & expect someone will take care of it for you. Or you just spend a lot of time debating the true denotation of verbs, ie. ‘it depends on what the meaning of “shove” is.’

  8. Was there a fox in his socks? Why didn’t he use a box? Why did he have a key to the lock? Did he get it from Mr. Botox? Do the paper’s say damning things about his boss, who only thought about his cock? Tell me, did he throw the evidence off a dock? They should lock him up tighter then Ft. Knox. This rhyme rocks.

  9. Oh, come on! Doesn’t everybody have pockets in their socks? He was just taking a few things home for research. You can’t possibly expect him to follow the rules just because the documents were highly classified. And, gee, he just lost a few of them . . .

  10. I don’t think I can take any more visuals on Berger whipping things out of his trousers…so cut it out everyone!
    It was funny when Cleavon Little did it back in Blazing Saddles.

  11. This story is playing all over the Blogosphere and lots of people who have been through the security clearance hoops are wondering why there wasn’t an arrest. As they say this story has legs, at least three of them.

  12. Insert funny Berger line here

    The latest nine day wonder is the story of former Clinton national security advisor Sandy Berger walking out with classified documents and notes inadvertently “stuck in his pants”. Former President Clinton’s take on the story is interesting: Bill Clint…

  13. Trousergate: Sandy Berger’s Wardrobe Malfunction

    I can’t help but wonder what the hell Sandy Berger was thinking when he shoved classified documents into his pants, apparently attempting to keep them from being turned over to the 9/11 Commission.  Was he trying to protect himself, or…

  14. Trousergate: Sandy Berger’s Wardrobe Malfunction

    I can’t help but wonder what the hell Sandy Berger was thinking when he shoved classified documents into his pants, apparently attempting to keep them from being turned over to the 9/11 Commission.  Was he trying to protect himself, or…

  15. I WAS in the military. I HAD a TAEC/SCI clearance. My wife is ex-army intelligence (spook).I remember all the “Ivan is watching… loose lips sink ships” indoctrination and background investigations. I also remember being told on a daily basis that messing up meant ‘instant Leavinworth’.

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