Michelle Malkin mentioned that it would be a good thing to get more conservatives on Digg. I didn’t read all she said since she used a lot of words, but I remember once getting a lot of traffic from Digg so I added links to vote for IMAO articles (just go register at Digg which takes like half-a-second).
Apparently Blackfive and others are also putting up links for being submitted to Del.icio.us which I’d never even heard of. How much of this crap do I have to keep track of just to get more freak’n traffic?
I’d like to apologize for Frank’s poor grammar, spelling and linking on this post. I’m a bad influence.
One day we’ll create IMAO Premium which you have to pay for but is actually proofread.
BTW I fixed the booboo’s.
Frank your obsession with Michelle Malkin is showing.
I’m surprised Sarahk let you mention Michelle Malkin’s name on here. grin
Any mention of Michelle Malkin get’s my attention! Perhaps some pictures of her scantily clad would boost your number of hits?
Well, they would certainly boost something a little bit. (or a lot, depending on how scantily clad)
It’s difficult keeping the libs on digg in check.
But you actually have to use a handicap when judging the quality of your comments there. If you don’t get at least a score of -20 from the libs, you obviously didn’t make your point well or clear enough.
You ain’t joking, Hawk. It’s like putting posts up to a vote of the Kossack comments section.