Michael Moore gets hugs from Republicans?
Here’s my take on it.
Caption: For some reason, Michael Moore confused “hugs” with the effects of gravity.
Michael Moore gets hugs from Republicans?
Here’s my take on it.
Caption: For some reason, Michael Moore confused “hugs” with the effects of gravity.
Very funny!
Your cartoon is:
Not original.
Not well drawn.
Not politically relevant.
Not funny.
However, this cartoon is.
Check it out. Maybe you will learn something about political cartooning.
But I doubt it.
Monkey Faced Liberal
As disgusting as it may seem, Michael Moore does deserve hugs from Republicans. Just think of how many people voted Republican (or at least didn’t vote Democratic) because of Moore, Mama Sheehan, and their ilk. We need to keep these nutcases in the public eye so that people can see where the moonbat fringe is leading the Democratic Party.
IMAO needs a better cartoonist.
Wow MFL,
That was a really funny commie comic. You sure do know a lot about humor.
MFL fits into that group with Moore and Sheehan. Hey MFL, are you available for public appearances? Having you speak for any Democratic candidate should be worth several hundred votes to their opponent.
Was there a fourth part with the punch line? You lefties are not only a bunch of predictable tofu-eaters, you have no sense of humor.
Peace (through superior firepower)
Gun Nut
Bahahahahahaha!!! Too funny!
“Having you speak for any Democratic candidate should be worth several hundred votes to their opponent.”
Why do you say that?
Because I would say that I “disapprove of the way that George Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?”
From what I can see, that would most likely help win votes for the Democratic candidate, since 62% of Americas also feel that way.
dRoast, you really need to explain yourself better before making such silly statements.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Gun Nut:
“Was there a fourth part with the punch line?”
I think you might have sniffed a little bit too much gun polish while you lovingly caress your firearms.
Your comment does not make any sense. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was pointing out how rotten this political cartoon was, and showing people where they could find a good political cartoon.
By the way, are you a Gun Nut because:
A) You are compensating for a sense of powerlessness? (like FrankJ)
B) You consider getting drunk and then shooting tame birds (and sometimes friends) with your mistress a “great way to spend an afternoon”. (like Cheney)
C) You are afraid of all those strange Spanish speaking people crossing the border have a secret plan to take over America. (like Michelle Malkin)
D) All of the above
I am going with A on this one, though it could be C.
For some reason, I do not see you as the “keeping a mistress” type.
Peace — Through Love, Kindness, and Understanding.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Bah! Capitalist Swine! How dare you mock Michaelovich Moore! Bah! You mock us today but little do you know that Moor was created in our undergound Soviet Surplus Bunker Laboratory (TM)!
Disguised a an unkempt, unshaven, unwashed, uneducated, no-talent liberal whore – he is actually our “Top Secret High-Mass Fertilizer Gravity Weapon”! Hah! Tremble in fear, capitalist swine!
This self-launching (and self-aggrandizing) goo-propelled meadia-launched weapon is capable of destroying its own credibility while simultaneously picking the pockets of your gullible liberal Amerikanski populace! Hah! Hah, and again I say HAH!
We rejoice in our oppresive regimelike splendor while you quake in fear of his next cinematic bomb! Quickly! Have my aides bring me a cigar and some more peasants to oppress. I am feeling most pleased with myself. Hmph. Make that two cigars.
I agree. At first I thought, “Hey, isn’t a panel missing? What kind of brain dead piece of liberal crap is this?” Then the more I read it the more I realized – the blindfolded bird is FRENCH!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHa.
Oh Sad clown of Life, sorry to see you go, but I have been inspired to write more and better. And more better.
And even to stop using Microsoft paint and a mouse to do my drawing.
I feel another inspiration coming on.
Bah! A curse on my spell checker! Off with his head!
Gun Polish?????? We’re talking about weapons, not shoes.
I have to go with B as the closest answer (without the mistress-the wife is all I can afford).
I hope the 250-lb guy on meth is kind, loving and understanding when he kicks your door in to take your VCR and your virginity.
Remember, it takes 42 muscles to frown but only four to pull the trigger of a nice 1911.
If that’s what passes for humor to MFL, he has no business criticizing this site. Really, what was the joke?
Also, that was hardly original. That could have been a cut and paste from Kos, DU, Moveon.org or any lefty organization.
…unless the joke was the irony of linking to such an unfunny comic.
What the hell is gun polish?
MFL’s knowledge of weapons is limited to what he/she has been taught by Hollywood maggots. You know, put the sights on the right side of the slide so you can fire your “gat” really cool.
I must admit I have never watched a movie where a character made reference to “gun polish.” Maybe he got that from DU or KOs.
Your comment does not make any sense. I wasn’t trying to be funny. I was pointing out how rotten this political cartoon was, and showing people where they could find a good political cartoon.
Your original post does say that RWD’s cartoon is (and I quote):
Not funny.
You go on to say that the Tom Tomorrow cartoon to which you link is.
So it seems to me that you were, if not trying to be funny, at least alleging that Tom Tomorrow’s cartoon is. Therefore, Gun Nut’s question about a punch line in a missing fourth panel is relevant.
Glad to see your back, Jimmy who is a friend of your has been trolling around here lately, but your much better and you use less profanity.
There are actually six panels to the strip- you have to click the banner under the strip to see the rest.
It ends with the guy saying Sean Hannity says the media won’t report the truth, and the penguin banging his head against the wall in frustration.
I guess the point MFL is trying to make is that he thinks IMAO would be funnier if there were more “Bush Lied” jokes.
I prefer the “Punching Liberals In Their Dumb Monkey Faces” jokes myself. Not many blogs do those jokes. Plus, they’re not as old and tired.
I thought jimmy was MFL? Are you saying they’re not? It seemed like MFL just broke down and started posting under his own name.
MFL you ingnint slut. Actually RWD’s cartoon was topical and to a degree quite humorous. The crap by tim morrow is old and worn and w/o a scintilla of humor. And you are a doodoo head. Die and go to hell.
Your friend, cap
Maybe it’s the gun polish but I can’t find any more panels to the stupid cartoon, just lots of ads for some magazine (like I’m going to subscribe to a magazine without “guns” or “ammo” or “Second Amendment” in the title).
Gun Nut-
Technically, there AREN’T any magazines without “guns” or “ammo” or “second amendment” in the title. Those other paper things you see in the magazine racks are really just stylized toilet paper.
In any case, my carpet is getting dirty, so I guess I better get to the store and pick up some carpet polish.
Take care not to sniff either carpet polish or gun polish.
Carpet polish smells like burning!
Even with the 3 added panels, MFL’s link was still terribly terribly dumb. The really hilarious part is the irony of Juxtaposition in that cartoon.
There, the raving, drooling lefty is trying to make it seem like it is the right-wingers who are the hard-headed, pablum lapping morons. Also funny is the realization that this fella is so deep in denial, he’s up to his neck in the bottom silt.
So it is funny, in that The Left is so far out of touch with reality that not even electro-convulsive therapy can bring them back.
Heya! Remember me? Anyhow, I once again want to beg the question as to how we will obtain peace through love, kindness and understanding (your words) if all we do is criticize the work of others with flippant insults and useless links to cartoons that are not what you say they are (in this case, original and funny, but I will give you well drawn and relevant to politics.)
Peace– through respectful dialogue,
Well drawn is overrated. Funny, though, is apparently underrated.
Way to go Ducky!
Are you sure Moore wasn’t eating Republicans and spilt part of his lunch down his front.
If that’s true, isn’t it only fair that we let the Jews eat small Lebanese children.
Hey- lift a fat role, and you might find several missing people & objects.
People: Jimmy Hoffa, Kenny, Natalee Holoway, and that guy who went missing from an ocean cruise last year.
Objects: John Kerry’s embattled manhood, the rest of Cindy Sheehan’s “hunger strike” provisions, a mutated bat colony (that’s where moonbats come from; their DNA bonded with his), and the old colony of Roanoke.
Lift too much, though, & you’ll likely find no actual reproductive organs, but a giant cluster of anuses (ani?), some of which are semi-sentient & have names like “Jim”, “MFL”, “Amazed Brit”, “Hillary”, “Janet Napolitano”, and so on… I need to stop there, because I think I just made myself ill with the imagery…
Oh my God!!! You killed Cartmoore!!! You bast… no, wait… thank you!!!
My tip for today:
If Monkey faced liberal’s comments have a link within them, don’t go there.
If MFL makes a comment ignore it.
If MFL throws a cat fit, laugh to yourself, but still ignore it. (I’ve see children who fall down, but before they cry they look around to see whose watching. Does this behavior sound familiar.- I should.)
It should. Dang, fingers aren’t working again. It’s hard to type when your decrepited. ( older than dirt, anyway)
duuuude… mfl that comic is soooo radical…
ima go smoke some more pot now…
How could I forget you?
You are the commenter who ran away with his/her tail between his/her legs when I pointed out that it was a bit of a contradiction to criticize someone for “taking shots at people” when you yourself were unfavorably comparing me to your sarcastic adolescent sister.
Lets get to your question:
“how we will obtain peace through love, kindness and understanding (your words) if all we do is criticize the work of others with flippant insults and useless links to cartoons…”
I LOVE FranKJ, just as I love all human beings.
Because I LOVE him, I want him to UNDERSTAND what a horrible writer he is, so he can spend his time doing things that are more productive — cleaning the gutters at his house, training his dog to not eat his cat, dressing up like a ninja, watching Walker, Texas Ranger, etc.
Moreover, it is not KIND to let him continue to pursue his goal of becoming a professional writer, since a brief perusal of his writing reveals how this desire is destined to remain unfulfilled, resulting in him becoming even bitterer about his life than he is now.
Therefore I am KIND enough to point out his faults to him, and try and bring him to an UNDERSTANDING of the truth. This might be Tough LOVE, but it is LOVE all the same.
I hope that answers your question.
Monkey Faced Liberal
“I hope the 250-lb guy on meth is kind, loving and understanding when he kicks your door.”
Is this your way of inviting yourself to dinner?
Silly goose — of course you can come by. And no need to kick the door. Just knock.
This is nice! I just got some fresh tofu and veggies I can throw on the grill for us.
See ya later!
Monkey Faced Liberal
mfl you rock dude… i cried when i read your post
i love frank j too, and fidel castro, and everyone
its like theres a magical field surrounding all of us that flows between us all, connecting us
surreal, dude
lights bong of all-encompassing love
Alan, don’t use the N word!!! It’s bad enough the idiots in my state elected her. You don’t need to remind me too!
Sorry, D-E. If I should run into someone from AZ, I’ll remember not to refer to them as “N*****tano lovers”.
Alan, your consideration is appreciated. I voted for Matt Salmon. I think Shadegg should Run against the Incumbent in the gubenatorial race.
OH! And Michhael Moore is a big Fat Sweaty Douche with his own gravity well.