“Who is that firebrand, Smithers?”
“That’s Homer Simpson.”
“Simpson, eh?… New man?”
“Actually, sir, he thwarted your campaign for governor, you ran over his son, he saved the plant from meltdown, his wife painted you in the nude…”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”
However, if such events ring a bell for you, you’ll probably enjoy this new feature at IMAO – 4 questions per day from the Official Simpsons Trivia Game, with Official Trivia Card answers posted in the comments the next day.
Starting tomorrow.
But first, something to bicker over:
Has “The Simpsons” jumped the shark as a TV series? If so, what was the defining moment of its decline?
Personally, I say “yes” and “the death of Maude Flanders”, respectively.
Not sayin’ that the show doesn’t still have its moments, just sayin’ that killing off a major character is a cry for help.
TOTALLY agree, Harv.
They never should have killed her off, and all of the episodes dealing with Ned’s grief were the worst.
I dunno about that…”we flushed your sin sticks down to heck. Smokers are jokers”
thats pretty darn good imo..
although I havent been able to watch that show regularly in over 6 years… stupid work.
Matt Groener wanted Futurama to replace the Simpsons…that worked out nicely for him…now he’s seeking revenge! HA-HA!
I say Simpsons is clearly not as good as it once was, but it is still fun to watch. I think the downhill trend started 11 years ago, Season 6, when Lisa became a vegitarian. That was when moralizing in the show started, and has since become a staple of many episodes.
Simpsons has always been like that IMO.
What made the Simpsons so enjoyable was that they made fun of everybody, left or right; that Homer, though he made many mistakes as a husband and father, always did the right thing in the end; that the overall message was to be good to others (within reason); and that if you didn’t catch/care about the message, you could still enjoy teh funny.
Now, Homer is the American Male as the liberals see him: Dumb, Mean, Sexist, Dumb, Heartless, and Dumb. Marge gets a boobjob, Lisa is the Moral Voice of the show (shudder), Bart doesn’t matter because he is male, etc, etc.
Ladies and Gents, I am a heartbroken Simpsons Fan.
Oh, and the Episode when it went downhill:
When Homer got a Gun
….the Propaganda was flying fast and furious. And I’ll give examples to anyone who thinks I’m being touchy.
BTW, they didn’t kill Maude off because they wanted to, the voice actress quit.
And I liked the episode where he got a gun :-\
When did the Simpson’s jump? When Dana Gould’s name started showing up in the credits as a writher and eventually a producer of the show. The guy was a terrible standup comic, still is a terrible actor, and is egregiously unfunny. I prefer to watch reruns of Futurama over new episodes of the Simpsons.
Metallica is going to be on the season premier of the Simpsons this year.
Jesus wept. Then he turned the channel.
I think The Simpsons has totally Jumped the Shark. I also agree that it was when Lisa turned to a vegetarian. Though there were shades of it when she stopped being a voice of reason and started being the Liberal mouthpiece of the show.
How I mourn The Simpsons of yesteryear.
Simpsons has definetly changed, and no its not as good as it once was, but its still pretty funny.
I’m guessing more recently than you guys, but I was pissed when the entire town preferred the Canadian national anthem to the American one because ours is too warlike.
Does anyone remember when Homer as Mr. Plow ran over a White House lawn full of hippies for George H. W.?