1) Travel agent Wally Kogen and Homer take many of the Springfield men on a trip to where?
2) Homer is amazed to see that there’s a character named after him on what TV show?
3) According to Apu, what Valentine’s Day drink should get you “pretty darned hammered”?
4) What company builds a cellular phone antenna site in Lisa’s bedroom?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
I only know the first two.
I’m pathetic 🙁
I only know the first two as well 🙁
Well let’s be honest; I know them all sadly, but the last two are buried amidst all the other Simpson trivia in my poor little brain.
darn progress trees!!! I cant think of the name, but its right there!!!! number 3 eludes me totally
The trivia questions are generally progressively harder from 1 to 4, and 3’s & 4’s are designed to test even the hardest core of Simpson’s fan. Don’t feel too bad about missing those.
Ah, finally remembered #3. Of course, what else would Apu use to get his wife hammered?
Official Trivia Card answers:
1) The Superbowl
2) “Police Cop”
3) Champagne Squishee
4) OmniTouch