Remember the song Fish Heads?
Sure you do:
But… there are a couple of things about Fish Heads you might not know.
One is who Barnes and Barnes, the credited artist of the song, really is. They are Robert Haimer and Bill Mumy, two childhood friends. And, if the name Bill Mumy seems familiar, well, it should. That is the same Bill Mumy that appeared on Lost In Space. Yes, he played Will Robinson.
The other thing about fish heads you might not know? They seem to be eligible to vote in Illinois, Barack Obama’s home state.
Yes, a dead goldfish was sent voter’s registration information.
My favorite line in the story?
“There was no fraud involved,” said Nudelman, a Democrat who supports Barack Obama. “This person is a dead fish.”
Just like Barack Obama.
Hey! Dead Fish are people too! Of course in the Chicago area, for voting purposes, there is a long standing tradition of dead people voting. When I finally die I want to be buried in Chicago just so I can stay involved in politics. Here in Iowa we discriminate against dead people because voters are supposed to vote in the district where they “live”.
Fish, even the dead ones, tend to vote democrat. They have that pansy aquaman whispering in their ears.
I remember the song, but not the video. Unfortunately, now I’ll remember the video.
I had a boss that used to say “even a DEAD salmon can swim downstream!” From now on the Big O shall be called the dead salmon!
Billy Mumy also uttered the legendary line, “…woo hoo?” in the series Babylon 5. How many space aliens get to vote?
I love how the new liberal talking point is that “there is no connection between voter registration fraud and voter fraud in elections”.
Yeah. Sure. People like committing voter registration fraud just for the hell of it. It’s fun! Why would anyone but a crazy right-wing conspiracy nut assume that someone would register fraudulent voters so that they could vote fraudulently. That’s just crazy talk.
As one of my liberal colleagues explained to be yesterday…sure there is voter registration fraud, but any registration that makes it to the voter rolls is technically legal and valid and exercising that vote is totally legal…in fact it’s out duty to make sure those votes get counted since they are valid.
By the way Bill Mummy also had a pretty major part on Babylon 5 a few years ago.
Thanks for the fins-up. Now I know what to fill in on a couple of my Ohio mail-in cards: “Gobble” and “Pooper”, dead lo these 20 years now… Afterall, I’m just following the lib motto: VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN!