Top Ten reasons to vote for Barack Obama

Top Ten List
Tonight’s Top Ten List. The “Top Ten Reasons to vote for Barack Obama.”

Paul? Got that? “Top Ten reasons to vote for Barack Obama.” There’s an election here in the States. You may have read about it in the paper. I think it’s been on Page Six.

Okay. Here we go. “The Top Ten reasons to vote for Barack Obama.” Number Ten…



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Good night, everybody!


  1. I never got to see Letterman at his prime – but seeing him in the 90s and now, it still baffles me how so many people liked the guy.

    [He was indeed funny. Once upon a time. A long time ago. Been a while. Maybe NBC knew what they were doing after all, in passing him over for the Tonight Show. – B.]

  2. McCain is proving that he really is too dumb to be President!
    He’s going back on Letterman the day after the last debate.
    Letterman has shown time and again the is just another Libtard crack whore for Obama.
    Can’t this old fool understand that he’s going to get treated like a piece of crap and it’s NOT helping his chances?
    Time to start faking the sale of all my heavy firepower and burying them and the ammo stocks till they are needed, that’ll be around the 1st of February!

  3. Unfortunately Letterman would do the same thing to McCain. Too bad these are the best we could do, isn’t it. As for the reference to Carter in the 70’s you are absolutely correct. He was and is the WORST presidnt in recent memory, and that’s saying something.

  4. We used to watch Letterman on the Late Show (after Carson) back in college days. Waaaayyyy back…and he was funny, edgy. (Hmmm, am I giving away my age?) I was excited when he got the show at 11:30, but it was never quite as good as I remember. We are old farts now and prefer Leno.

    erg: did you forget about the demoratic president we had for 8 years on teh 90’s? Just wondering.

  5. letterman killed in the mid-80s, but then one day it never changed — i remember thinking to myself about 6 months after the top 10 list started — “ok, i think this has been done to death now” and i stopped watching about then — fast forward 20 years, and it is the same crap over and over and over and over — at least he had a window of cutting edge — leno has never had that

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