Be Wary of Obama and Guns

A lot of people are buying guns as they don’t trust Obama and thinks he’s going to pass laws against firearms. Obama certainly doesn’t have a good record when it comes to that.

To make sure he doesn’t try and take your guns, first thing I’d be wary of is answering any questions about whether you own guns in a job application for his administration. That could be a trick so later he can come back and take your guns. Also, if he comes over to your house and asks if he can see your guns, don’t show them to him. The other day he was at my house and was like, “Hey, can I see some of your guns? I bet they are neat!”

And I was like, “Okay.” So I got a couple and brought them to him. He just set them down in front of him and got out a notepad and started writing something. So I was like, “What are you writing?”

And he said, “Stuff.”

So I got closer to try and get a look, but he kept moving the notepad so I couldn’t see. So I snatched it from him. He was writing down my guns’ serial numbers! I was like, “Hey!”

And he said, “Can I see more guns?”

And I said, “No!”

And he said, “Can some of my friends come in here?”

And I was like, “Are they known terrorists?”

And he was like, “Why are you asking so many questions?”

So I said, “You get out of my house right now, Obama!”

Do not trust that guy when it comes to guns. He’s sneaky.


  1. Next time he stops by and asks to come in…

    Frank: “Do you have a gun?”

    Obama: “No”

    Frank: “Sorry, I only let in people with guns. I made made my Mom go back home and get her .32 when she came over for Thanksgiving.”

    Obama: “Hey, look one of the Secret Service guys loaned me one of his. Can I come in now?”

    Frank: “Yeah, OK”

    Obama: “What I wanted to talk to you about is not guns but about you paying more of your fair share in taxes.

    Frank: “SARAH! SARAH! Come quick there’s a guy here with a gun that wants to take our money!”

  2. Frank, Frank , Frank, you talked to a commie? Shame. Remember hippies should always be talked to in a condescending voice and then punched.

    On a more serious note, this commie is a gun grabbin leftist pos. join the NRA, The Gun Owners of America, the Second Amendment Foundation or somebody. Write your representaives and senators. Let them know you are watching. Even if you don’t like guns (hippie), but you do like freedom, join with us and fight this evil *$%((^. “They” started with tobacco, are moving on to guns, industry, financials, and will soon be comming to a freedom near you.

  3. Frank, I am pleased that you have adopted the Dialogue as a method of relating news events that actually happened.

    As to the subject matter itself, the correct response when a private citizen (such as Obama) asks to see your guns is: “I have a policy of not taking it out unless I plan to kill something with it.”

    When the authorities ask to see it, ask to see first their warrant.

  4. Sanja,

    Do you not understand that if one possesses weapons, one can defend one’s rights from the would-be despot? Thus when freedom-loving individuals perceive a forthcoming threat to said rights, they prepare to defend them. Hence gun sales rise. Those purchasing arms now are not likely to just deliver them back when the dems request or even demand such . . . except maybe one bullet at a time as suggested above.

    Take a look at it’s a good organization from my estimation.

  5. There’s some kind of strange Frank J. code going on in Frank J.’s postings. It could be akin to the Da Vinci Code. Check it: there are six (count ’em, six) instances of the word “like” in his post. Personally, I think that reflects his fondness for six-shooters. Like, he likes them! And he really, really, really, really, really, really (6 really’s) doesn’t like Obama. Stay tuned for more dis-encoding.

  6. I went to the link #13 posted. I’m also a Glock model 22 in .40 S&W(according to them!)
    I FEEL more like my favorite hand-cannon, The “Raging Bull” chambered in .454 casull. I like my bark to have some bite!
    “Some folks like a magazine full of lead, I STILL prefer one to the head!”

  7. No #11, we aren’t buying guns because we THINK demoncrats are going to take them away from us. This is just the next convenient reason to purchase new and improved firearms. We know they are going to try, they’ve been trying for years.

    If you liberal socialists think that people are going to give away the only insurance we have that this will remain the “Home of the Free” you obviously need to do some real research into the Revolutionary War. Citizen soldiers are who won the war, people with their own firearms some of whom joined the standing army but many simply protected what they had. Go back and watch Mel Gibsons movie “The Patriot”.

    From your multi culturally framed moniker, one might guess that you probably have little personal experience in either freedom or patriotic service so maybe you should find some one that has and have them vet your posts.

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