This week terrorists, next week That One. Submit for either at
Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.
NOTE TO READERS: Hovering your mouse over the picture activates closed captioning for the l33t-speak/txtmsg impaired.
From Brian:
This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:
#1: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.
#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.
MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.
STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.
HAT TIP: Snapped Shot for handy links to ripe-for-captioning photos.
Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.
Few things are as funny as a gheyterizt.
Brought a rock to a gunfight. Classic!!
That’s one sucky-ass uncaptioned picture.
blak appl iz meanz
deth 2 white iphonz
I’m kinda partial to the infidel tree.
But I’d also like Santa to bring me a terizt lego…so’s my GI Joe doll can kick him around.
Caption for uncaptioned picture:
“Cher swore this hat would be a big hit!”
“Archaeologists have unearthed Mohammed’s little black book.”
“Fearing that anonymous video tapes were losing their effectiveness, Al Quaeda begins holding press conferences at Chinese restaurants.”
I ndz moor meekrofones.
In my first act as President Obama’s new press secretary, I’d like to go over a few new rules.
Very amusing.
On the “LEGO Terrorist”, it is actually a custom minifig kit sold by Brickarms:
which sells custom minifigs and weapons of all types, to go beyond the limited fare made by the LEGO Company. I was lucky enough to order one before the Drive By Media seemed to go nuts about it,a nd they put their ordering system on hold for the time being.