Why We’re Extreme

CNN reporter is harassed? How about CNN reporter is a ginormous patronizing bitch?

Yeah, you keep fighting MSNBC over the tiny liberal slice of the pie and cede the much the bigger portion to FOX News and see how that works for you.


  1. I’d even question her reference to Illinois as the “state of Lincoln”. Illinois has, for as long as I remember, referred to itself as the “Land of Lincoln”. It used to say that on the license plates; it may still. Lincoln, however, was not born in Illinois. He was born in Kentucky. His family moved to Indiana, and then, finally, to Illinois. Only one President of the United States was born in Illinois: Ronald Reagan.

  2. Citizen: “Lincoln believed people should be able to make their own way and build on the fruit of their labors.”

    Incredulous CNN Reporter: “Well didn’t you hear the state Lincoln was a senator from is getting some of the handouts the federal government is giving? Hah! So there!”

    Citizen: “The point is that’s not what he stood for or what this country was founded on.”

    Incredulous CNN Reporter: “All this angry horrible venom must be from right wing radio.”

    (all 8) CNN Viewers: “WTF?”

  3. It’s funny when people like this completely show their lack of intelligence and understanding of their story. The whole reason for the tea parties was out of control spending. Bring up the fact that 50 billion went to Illinois is kind of why they were there, not an argument against their position. I hope these mediocre journalists know we will remember who they are, and their lack of doing basic research into their subject. Kind of like we remember Susan Roesgen long history of putting her retarded feelings into her news stories. This is why I get my news from blogs.

    By the way, I went to the Tea Party in Boise yesterday. I never knew there were so many hot, I say again, HOTTT conservative women in Boise. I thought I married the only one.

  4. While on vacation in the Belly Of The Beast in Eugene, Oregon, my family and I stopped at the Tea Party held there. We didn’t have CNN harrassing us like this guy did but we must have made a bit of an impression on the infobabe who reported. We had about 1000 people which was pretty good for the city we were in.

    Because I have the prettiest wife and cutest daughters in the world, they were all featured prominently in the coverage. My 9-year-old daughter came up, all on her own, with the only sign that has it’s own close-up on this newscast.


  5. Buddha in a bucket! What a freaking idiot! The levels of denial and projection these asshats display would be fatal in a human, so she’s got to be something else. I think Ace said it best:

    Yeah, I can’t wait ’till a Foxie reports on a pro-choice rally and begins asking the women if they’re easy. Or if they could avoid abortions by giving up the butt once in a while.

  6. I was at that protest in Chicago and saw this exchange. It was a disgraceful piece of “reporting” – one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Although, after CNN’s cameras turned off, there was a rousing round of “No more CNN!” by the crowd, and that reporter was schooled by a very intelligent woman who put CNN in its place. Not that it made any difference to CNN, of course.

  7. I can’t see the video, but I can tell what it says:

    Waa, someone is critisizing communisim, waaa
    Waaa, someone doesn’t like welfare, waaa
    Waaa, someone is critisizing that one, waaa
    Waaa, cnn is the only network that will hire the retarded, cause msnbs is full, waaaa

    See this same stroy tomorrow, and the day after , and the day after.

  8. We were at the Salem Oregon protest and having lived in San Francisco, I was simply shocked. There were more folks than I’ve seen at ANY protest at the capital. Lots of people had their kids and no one was ripping their clothes off or throwing bottles or anything nuts. We didn’t stop traffic. Funniest part of the whole day? The loyal opposition! There were a total of four of them standing on the steps in the back, they were apparently employees who worked at the state. They were SO out numbered they just sort of stood there looking like dopes.
    Quick question? If the RWC is funding this, when do I get my check? Do I get extra ’cause I brought the kids?

  9. We were parked outside the Capitol in AZ nestled right between the Senate and House of Representatives. There were 5 Reps on the roof mocking us. That is until we turned around and started yelling for them to come down and answer to their bosses. Never saw them after that. Guess they only like attention if they control the dialog. Pansies. Thankfully, my state rep was there, SUPPORTING US! Russel Pearce FTW!

  10. Your numbers are off. They are ripping off nearly a trillion and working on another trillion and your cut is that 12 dollar increase in your pay! Oh and the money is coming from your grandkids. Dont worry you will be dead by the time they figure out grandpa is the one that hosed them!

  11. I got an extra 26 bucks in my pension check this month, along with a note that I might want to increase my income tax withholding because the money didn’t represent a reduction in the amount of tax I owed, only a reduction in the amount the government was going to take out in advance.
    I suspect a lot of people are going to get a nasty surprise when they figure their taxes next year.
    The O king giveth, and the O king taketh away.

  12. Anti-government? HAHA. What is wrong with this woman?
    This guy says he wants a right to spend his own money and all of a sudden he’s an anarchist? CNN is officially banned from my home for good reason. If I had seen this I would have broken the TV.

  13. What does ted turner live on these days? Maybe TNT still makes a profit.

    The attitude of this valley girl is the same as leftists always exhibit when their visions for running other people’s lives are challanged. Remember “doonesbury” just after the ’94 elections? One of trudeau’s characters inquires about the archtypical “angry white male” who tilted the election by asking “well, who is this jerk?”

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