Funny how the admittedly-proud-to-be-a-faggot uses that as an insult. I just think its a pity they couldn’t use this as an excuse to wire Hilton’s jaw shut for “medical reasons.”
I didn’t know who this Will.I.Am was until he gave Perez Hilton a beat down. I would like to give Will.I.Am an award or some sort of medal. Just wish the beat down had be a little harder, so Perez counldnt’ run his yap for awhile.
I think we should all send a very simple letter to suggesting that his manager Break that gay boy’s jaw next time. Then we can go back to focusing on REAL news… like the passing of a carved-up, over-bleached pedophile with his Rhinestone glove.
I could’ve done without having to actually see Perez. Eww.
The Perez Hilton/Will.I.Am incident was a perfect example of why sometimes violence IS the answer.
A New Will.I.Am Fan
Funny how the admittedly-proud-to-be-a-faggot uses that as an insult. I just think its a pity they couldn’t use this as an excuse to wire Hilton’s jaw shut for “medical reasons.”
I didn’t know who this Will.I.Am was until he gave Perez Hilton a beat down. I would like to give Will.I.Am an award or some sort of medal. Just wish the beat down had be a little harder, so Perez counldnt’ run his yap for awhile.
I think we should all send a very simple letter to suggesting that his manager Break that gay boy’s jaw next time. Then we can go back to focusing on REAL news… like the passing of a carved-up, over-bleached pedophile with his Rhinestone glove.
With special guest Bill Whittle! Awesome.
Unfortunately, “celebrity news” is the opiate of the masses.
Now that’s some damn good Crowder!
…and by the way, its “You’re not gonna live to see thirty, buddy.”, in case you were wondering.
Will this douche-bag get wall-to-wall when he grabs his chest, fills his pants and assumes room temp?
When we were kids we used to say “Takes one to know one”- I guess that’s true…………. who knew?