Why They Hate Her

Sarah Palin’s photo shoot from Runner’s World.


  1. Palin45: A great frustration I had during the campaign was when the McCain staff wouldn’t carve out time for me to go for a run. The days never went as well if I couldn’t get out there and sweat.

    RW: Did you raise that issue, and put the ultimatum down that you needed to run?

    Palin45: Absolutely, and they would say, “Yes, in a couple of days we’re going to start carving out that half-hour or hour to run,” and too often it never happened, and that was frustrating. But then it also made it sweeter when I did get out. I would run with the Secret Service and Todd [Palin’s husband], if he was on the trail, and it was just such an amazing thing to be running in so many states and communities with such different things to see and experience. But it should have happened more often.

    No kidding, it should have happened more often. She’s saying it should have happened from her personal exercise perspective, but from a campaign strategy point of view this was another way in which the McCain campaign botched it. They should have shown her running next to wheel chair racers, pushing Trig along in the three-wheeler. Take that, Mr Chiseled Pecs. They should have had her in a 5K or 10K every week. There are enough of them scheduled in every community that getting her registered would have been easy, and it would have been great PR, and would have made here a stronger campaigner.


  2. Hillary Clinton ran once. The ashtray she wanted to throw at Bill was all the way on the other side of the room, and damned if she didn’t run all the way over there to get it. So, she’s technically a runner too, right?

  3. That’s a poster I’d put on my wall. Palin is just plain hot like all the other conservative women. liberals can’t handel her hotness, there’re used to ugos like Pelosi, Grabraffolo. Liberals also wet there pants in fear when you say the name Palin.

  4. We all know that 50 years as a liberal leaves you looking like one. The left all think that Michelle is the hottest thing in Washington. My son says barry must sleep with one eye open. The problem he is having with foreign policy, is that there is only one set of ball in the family, and she won’t let him use them.

  5. As it happens, I was in high school with the current governor of Illinois; he was two years ahead of me. If I were going to be in high school with a future governor, I really would have preferred Sarah Palin.

  6. The Left and the limp dick moderate RINOs all hate her because she is so hot and because millions of us think she is a genuine conservative with good ideas and real ability.
    And she is soooooo smokin’ HOT.

  7. They hate her because she’s unpretentious.
    They demand respect, she earns respect.
    They claim good intentions, she produces good results.
    They manage other people’s lives, she lives her own.
    They smile primly, she winks and grins.
    They fear exposure, she jokes about no one recognising her when she’s not wearing makeup.
    They stand on their dignity, she leans out of airplanes to shoot wolves.
    They fear what they don’t understand, she fears nothing because she understands.

    If she looked like Helen Thomas and talked like Bawney Fwank, she’d still be hot.

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