I’m Holding Him Accountable

Dude, if you fall off that bike and crack your skull open, you’re not getting it fixed on the taxpayer’s dime.


  1. if you fall off that bike and crack your skull open, you’re not getting it fixed on the taxpayer’s dime.

    I don’t know, buying a helmet for Obama’s head seems kinds like buying collision insurance for an ’87 Chrysler LeBaron.

  2. reminds me of how many pictures I saw of W riding his bike-like 1 in 8 years. A real bike, btw. A lot of the Secret service guys hated going to Crawford, because it meant trying to keep up with him on trail rides.

  3. innominatus,

    Speaking of Obama pretending to be cool, the other day I saw a video of him meeting NASCAR drivers (good thing I don’t care about NASCAR anymore – real men drive sprint cars) at the White House. Jimmie Johnson hopped in his car and turned on the motor. Obama stood by, awkwardly, and quipped, awkwardly, “Now that’s an engine.” Doesn’t sound that bad if you can’t hear the painfully forced voice that That One was using. Funny and pathetic at the same time.

  4. Just imagine if that dummy had crashed and bashed his brains out…. freak accident kinda thing…….that would be enough for me to take up reeeleeegion. And thats the first thing I thought when I saw that pic….

  5. HCG – Actually, the modern trend in mountain bike design is to have a down-angled top bar on boys’ bikes.

    As someone who’s had his “bells rung” more than once, I applaud this design innovation.

  6. I don’t like the guy either, but helmet laws SUCK.

    I bicycle three to four thousand miles per year. I’m not in favor of helmet laws, but I’m definitely in favor of wearing a helmet while cycling. There have been four occasions during which the fact that I was wearing a helmet at least arguably preserved my ability to comment here.

  7. OMG!!1!#!1 Obama’s not wearing a bike helmet!!!!!!1!!1! That’s almost as bad as being a racist right-winger!!1!

    /end liberal screed

    In the real world, who gives a flying **** whether he wears a bike helmet or not. I guess if you’re a liberal, things like the economy, the impending socialized medicine debacle, cap and tax, Iraq, and Afghanistan don’t really matter much. But if Obama doesn’t wear a helmet while riding a bike, now that’s an important issue.

  8. The kids’ helmets are not properly adjusted either. The one on the right has her helmet pushed too far to the back. The one on the left could push it down a bit more and he needs to cut or tuck in the chin strap.

  9. the modern trend in mountain bike design is to have a down-angled top bar on boys’ bikes

    No joking, when I was about 8 I decided that the horizontal bar between the seat and the handlebars on boys’ bikes was so that they would have a place to lay their, um, thing on.

    The optimism of youth.

    Just sayin.

    Did I say this out loud?

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