Random Thoughts

Liberals are just upset that we spend all this time trying to get terrorists to talk but no one cares what they say

So were all now pretty clear that Obama’s main skill is sounding smart to stupid people. Beyond that he’s pretty useless.

New Platform: Useless people out of government. It’s insane the country is run by people who have never accomplished anything.

What evidence is there that Nancy Pelosi is competent enough to have a say in anything, yet she has a say in everything.

The people who should be running the federal government are all the people too busy doing useful, actual things.

We need to put a purge into the Constitution, where every so often everyone in Congress is tossed out and we start over.

Path to Nuclear Disarmament: America takes over the entire world. No reason to nuke self.

Which Party is going to take on movie theater concession prices? No free market at work there. I bet that’s what candy costs in Europe.

Why does C# require a break for the default condition of a case statement? What exactly am I breaking from at that point? Illogical!

I’m tired of C#. I miss pointers. Data in random memory locations, you will dance and do my bidding!

If the Glenn Beck boycott gets advertisers to pull from all news shows and throws Olbermann off the air, that would be the funniest thing ever.

You can’t make the government religiously significant without pulling religion down towards government’s insignificance.

My new nickname everyone agreed on: Awesomeator. It’s a combination of “Awesome” and “Terminator.”

Obama promised he’d lose us the war in Iraq, but I guess liberals will just have to settle on us losing in Afghanistan.


  1. C# has a lot of goofy, yet mandatory and sometimes redundant, clauses. It’s disappointing because you realize you can’t have goofy hacks with it, but it’s wonderful when you realize your don’t have to debug said hacks.

  2. It’s a combination of “Awesome” and “Terminator.”

    And you believed that?
    You got that after people saw you hit the “All You Can Eat” at Golden Corral.
    You were awesome.
    At eating.

  3. “We need to put a purge into the Constitution, where every so often everyone in Congress is tossed out and we start over.”

    I’ve often thought of this in regards to laws. How about we toss out any legislation that is over 50 pages long?

  4. If the Glenn Beck boycott gets advertisers to pull from all news shows and throws Olbermann off the air, that would be the funniest thing ever.

    Olberdoofus getting pull off the air would be the best thing to ever happen to TV.

  5. We need to put a purge into the Constitution, where every so often everyone in Congress is tossed out and we start over.

    We’ve got the guns, torches, pitchforks, tar, and feathers already. There’s your purge. So what are we waiting for? Those Congresscritters ain’t gonna purge themselves ya know (and neither will their idiot voters).

    How about we toss out any legislation that is over 50 pages long?

    How about we toss out any legislation that is over 1 page long?

    How about we toss out any legislation that was written by the above-named purged Congresscritters?

    Fixed it for us both #4

  6. We need a purge of geeks that use C#.

    Who will the press have a bigger tingle affair over the death: michael jackson or teddy.

    Do you suppose they will let us use smuck shumer as a cremation vessel for teddy?

    If nancy pelousy got any uglier would she still be considered a candiate for the helen thomas award?

    if the first transvestite wrestled the First transvestite, would there be a winner?

  7. Random thought:
    If o wants to be a 2 term president, he’s going to have to have another kid while in the Whitehouse.
    A boy this time, to carry on the family name and give his dynasty an heir.
    Then when the angry mob storms the grounds, all he has to do is hang the baby over a third floor balcony and the crowd will smile and go, “Ahhhh …!”, turn around and go back to standing in line for bread.
    Any suggested names for the baby?

  8. Haven’t messed w/ c# (i am still in c++ and some python) but from the playing i did with java a hash table of objects is almost as good/powerful as a pointer. You can’t accidently level a city block but you can still take out the occasional elementary school.

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