Last week, Frank J. asked for help regarding voting for his Congressman. And that gave me the courage to ask for help. So here goes: I need a new bumper sticker.
Okay, I don’t actually have a sticker on the bumper of my car. I have one on the window. And it really needs to come down.
Here’s my current sticker. It’s left over from the 2008 election.
Now, yes, I know, it’s pretty lame to keep a bumper (or window) sticker up after the election. And I’m lame for still having it up.
But, I want to let people know this: I did not vote for Barack Obama.
Leaving the McCain sticker on was a way of saying that. But, it’s still lame to have an election sticker after the election. Particularly 540 days after the election.
So, I need to change my bumper sticker. And I want something that, at a glance, can be seen to convey what I want to convey. Nothing wordy.
I thought about the Republican logo…
… but I’m not a Republican. I’m not a member of any political party. And I don’t want to get any more letters or email from Michael Steele.
I don’t think I want that.
So, I need some ideas.
I want to communicate the following ideas in as few words as possible:
- No, I didn’t vote for Barack Obama
- Yes, you’re an idiot if you did
That’s easy:
[Good suggestion! Any other ideas? – B.]
Don’t know if this is what you have in mind, but I am planning to make a bumper sticker for myself that says “I love liberty and I vote.”
I’m seconding Brian L. I’ve had this sticker on my rear window since Bill Whittle mentioned it over at PJTV. Not every gets it, but so what?
Sorry I haven’t been funny lately, Just very frustrated with the state of things.. here I will make up for it.
– “this side down”
– “this is my other car sorry I lied about it before”
– “C’mon just the tip!”
– “wait is this real or a game?”
– “deport all martians”
– “9/11 was a joke we just don’t understand Islamic humor”
– “States Right! 50 laboratories of democracy not 1 empire”
– “I prefer it in the trunk”
– “forgive everyone after you give them a musket to the junk”
– “stop what your doing its turning me on”
– “Eco-friendly run solely on hamster slaves”
– “Civil war-thunder-dome-Federalism your choice”
– “Belong to 12 religions and have no deductible… go ahead I got nothing to lose”
– “Warning nymphomaniac who gets turned on by cops onboard!”
“Proud member of the angry mob,” has a certain ring to it.
No discernible party affiliation, and any angry person who sees it will think you agree with him (or her) and will leave your car alone!
Is that sticker on the inside of the window? Cause if it is…. you’re going to have to be reeeeeaaaalll careful getting it off or else no more rear window defrog.
Can’t help you, but I’ve always wanted to ADD a bumper sticker to those that sport “I’m not rich enough to vote Republican”…I would peel and stick one crosswise over that says “Keep voting Democrat and you’ll stay that way”.
This would be good.
Pachyderm = Good
A$$ = A$$
This way only smart people actually get it since only smart people know what a pachyderm is and everyone else will feel dumb.
You can’t go wrong with these classics:
– The 3 that made America Great: God, Guts and Guns
– Don’t Blame Me, I Didn’t Vote for Him (This borrows from the liberals, possibly regarding Nixon.)
– You Can Keep the Change
– I Am Not a Racist
What’s wrong with:
* No, I didn’t vote for Barack Obama
* Yes, you’re an idiot if you did
Just a few minutes, Basil. I need to fire up the old Gimp.
shiggz, you’ve got some gems, and you may be onto something simple:
If nothing else, it’d gain you legitimate entree into those asinine “hybrid car only” parking spaces.
There is a new library near me that has about a dozen hybrid car only spaces. Only problem is that there probably are not that many hybrid cars in my entire city.
This is my personal favorite – short and to the point.
“How’s that hopey-changey thing working out for ya there?”
How about a nice cartoon image of Mohammed to celebrate the religion of peace? Perhaps in a festive bear costume?
Here you are, Basil! I only regret not adding a dark border.
Obama’s OK. But the monkey in the wookie suit’s got to go!
Oh, it would also look better if the pictures were side by side, I think.
How about “H-E-L-L N-O”?
The FUBO sticker is popular around here…–dsh–Bumper-Sticker/Detail
A big “O” thingy on the left and :
thanks Burma
Look before anyone argues with me, Hamsters are a renewable bio-degradable adorable energy source. And you can hardly hear their screams when you need to go up a hill.
The back of my dinosaur eating-Ford Excursion proudly sports an old, peeling bumper sticker that says
“Annoy a liberal: work hard and be happy.”
I like the OTP bumper sticker. I may even add one and I deplore bumper stickers. Though, big applause to Dohtimes, that’s hysterical.
How about “S.O.L.” using the O-stika?
hang a teabag from your rear view mirror. with Nobama or Palin ’12 sharpied on it.
“Don’t blame me! I voted for the Old Guy!”
I suggest that if you’re a urban or immediate environ suburban…that you may want to wait on placing a target on your back …. things could potentially be getting dicey here in the immediate future with “social unrest.”
“Regime Change Begins At Home”- check the clearance table
at your local Democrat vegan grocery and head shop .
“OOPS!” – With O-stikas Of cOurse.
A cluless hippie here still has her
“Regime Change Begins At Home”
sticker next to “Impeach Bush”
on her Prius.
-U Can Thank a Democrat for That
-Duct tape Cant Fix This one B.O
– “Chains” you can Believe In
– Obama with a tea bag in his mouth
– Obama Next to Chavez, Abamenijad (no clue how to spell that – Iran President) +Saudi
President and the caption would read “Home Boys”
-If your boat is sinking will B.O bail you out?
@terry leave the sticker just put a picture of Teh Won. The longer she keeps it on the better.
A sinking swiftboat with Obama on it? Naw too 2004.
How about just going with what you said? It’s simple.
Heh. I go to sleepy-land for a bit, and I come back, and you guys have not disappointed. I’m loving these.
My wife has this on her car. People smile and wave when they see it. Even had a police car chase us down just to get a picture. It is two bumper stickers, one on each side of the license plate. The first line is in large letters, the second line is in smaller letters. I have put “…” to show where it breaks from one bumper sticker to the other:
too much for just……………………one bumper sticker
How about the classic Nobama logo with the Obama logo either with the red circle/slash cancellation sign around it or with the undo arrow replacing the top of the O?
How about two pictures next to each other. One of Obama and one of Il Duce, both taken from below so they smug chins are are in the air. Like This:
I have an NRA window decal in the exact same spot on my car, it says the same thing, but I’ll never have to worry about replacing it.
Man, there are some winners here. I just wanted to second what Terrible Troy said. I learned the hard way that you gotta be vewy careful when pulling a sticker off the inside of the back window.
I have one that says, “Don’t blame me, I voted for McCain and Palin”.
Jan Brewer for President!
I’d watch the bumper sticker thing. A freind of mine recently witnessed a group of minority illegal-type youth (Before the Arizona law) walk past a car at a stop sign and start pounding on it and scratching the car and it’s Palin 2012 sticker.
I like Nuke the Moon or “Show me the money? Show me the birth certificate!!!”
I’d rather teaparty with an American than beer party with Obama.
Kinf of long buit it works.
Unemployed? Don’t look at me, I didn’t vote for him.
If it ain’t brOke, it soon will be
w/ O-Stikas, of course…
I used to have “Sarah Palin for Vice President” and “Run Fred Run” but when they lost/caved they had to go. I would certainly never brag about voting FOR McCain.
Currently I still have the old Glenn Beck sticker “HYDRO-carbon POWERED ECO-VEHICLE” and the NRA sticker, and I’ve recently found a “Don’t Tread on Me” since GG Liddy was hoping to see those everywhere after some guy got pulled over for having one.
I don’t put stickers on my car because the only idiots putting stickers on their cars down here are libs. And those schmucks always put a bunch of ’em like “This Endless war” and “Impeach Bush” and “America Sucks Pond Scum” and “Obama 08” and other sordid liberal causes. Half the time you can’t tell what kind of car or even what color it is they have so many stickers on them!
I do wear my McCain-Palin for President t-shirt regularly, though, just to make the point that I didn’t vote for the current, er, and I’m using the term loosely, “President.”
According to my facebook profile, my political affiliations is “Gun Toting, Right Wing Conservative Nut Job”. It kind of tells everything you’re about, and would make a great bumpersticker. Also I ordered a custom “Support the troops” ribbon magnet for my car that said “Give War A Chance”. But if you don’t want to make your own, here is one I saw on a lot of cars, In Monterey California of all places.
Personally, I still have my “Fred ’08” sticker on the bumper but I also have a “My Son is an Honor Roll Student at GB Middle School”. He graduated from college two years ago. I think I’m just too lazy to take them off.
I wouldn’t replace that sticker on yours, I’d scrap the car.
Not a Socialist? SOL
Did your wealth get redistributed? SOL
Thought criminal? SOL
Granny get arrested? SOL
Teabagged? SOL
Insurance rates go up? SOL
Death panels a reality? SOL
Health Care rationed? SOL
Higher taxes? SOL
Negotiating with terrorists? SOL
Bowing to foreign dictators? SOL
Lost Your Liberties? SOL
You get the idea. All “SOLs” with O-stikas of course.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Cobra Commander!
Just google it you culturally illiterate git!
The local talk radio station had a contest and the winner incorporated one of their main themes
“Stupid Should Hurt”
Hmm… there are lots of funny designs using the “O” logo (such as the aforementioned “LOL” design) but honestly, I just do not want that man or his name or his logo on a sticker on my car. I’d rather have a sticker about what I’m for than against. Palin 2012 would be good, but I think I’ll wait until she actually declares. “Nuke the moon” seems like a good idea. I also like “give war a chance”.
Hell I’m a Southerner – we’ve revelled in the Lost Cause for 145 years! Keep the McCain sticker.
My all time favorite is “Your child may be an honor student, but you are a MORON”
Simple and to the point.
Only sticker I have is a small decal of the ribbon of the Vietnam Service Medal. No words, no labels. Probably the only people who know what it is are those who also earned the right to wear it. When others ask me what it is, I just tell them it’s a souvenir of a tour when I was younger.
Kind of ironic that I spent a couple of years trying to protect the people of Southeast Asia from having their governments taken over by communists. Didn’t work out in Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia, but I’ve had a lot of practice, and this time I get to be the guerrilla.
My favorite anti-Obama sticker that I’ve seen so far says, “That Obama sticker on your car might as well just say, ‘Yes, I’m stupid.'”
I made one myself. It says, “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen” (with attribution to Dennis Prager, who coined it). See it here:
The Imao store doesn’t have anything for you!?!
“Don’t blame me! I voted for McCain and a heart attack!”
Having not read the other 61 comments, I offer this and hope it’s an original suggestion:
Not sure of your stand on this particular issue, but I just have an oval sticker that says “I Voted Pro-Life” with an American flag (similar to the traditional “I Voted” stickers):
from a co-workers wife:
It’s easy to be a Socialist when you wear Prada. a little vid I put up and links to get the LOL bumper sticker.
Mine is from Patriot Depot and reads, “2013 – GONE” with the Obama “O” in the word gone. Me likey!
Believe it or not my neighbor didn’t know what it meant (thought it had something to do with the end of the world). Oddly enough it will definitely feel like it if he isn’t gone by then.
I always like the:
“Don’t Blame Me – I Voted Libertarian” bumper sticker
zerO fiddles while Rome burns
I saw this one on the back panel of a pickup truck with a Confederate Flag motif:
“Don’t blame us, We voted for Jefferson Davis.”
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