Horrible Pun of the Day

Here, once again, is a horrible pun, and I will warn you not to read it. Like the title says, it is horrible. You won’t find it funny. In fact, it will make you angry. You may in fact hate it so much you’ll never find me funny again. You may never find anything funny again. Humor may be ruined forever, and you will lose faith in all humanity. If you read it, you should probably go on a suicide watch.

So just leave this site now, and if you don’t, I warned you.

Q. What do you call a poor person who likes spicy food?
A. A jalapeño pauper.


  1. Great joke, I loved it! Here’s one back at ya….Q: Why were Helen Keller’s leg’s yellow? A: Because her dog was blind too! Ha! I got a million of them….Shecky Green, somewhere in the Poconos.

  2. As a pauper, I’m deeply offended. Well, I’m not a pauper yet, but after the Obama demotards finish with their agenda I will be. So, I’m practicing for when the day comes.

  3. That’s because you weren’t pauperly paupared, Marko.

    I know, I’m bad. But you can help me out by sending donations to my new website at:

    jimmy_needs_all_your_money(oraconservativewoman) . com

    I’ll be here all week (and beyond – or until I encounter an Omega Function).

  4. #17 Jimmy says:
    June 10th, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    I’ll be here all week (and beyond – or until I encounter an Omega Function).

    void function Omega()

    Your welcome… 🙂

  5. Pingback: Rightwing Links (June 10, 2010)

  6. See…a gazillion gallons of foul oil have spilled out and spoiled precious Mother Earth and you guys are joking around! We should be looking for ass to kick, so get with it and stop with the funny stuff! Hey, Mother Earth kind of took a dump on herself didn’t she? Maybe that’s who’s ass we need to kick! Someone relay that message to Barry, ASAP!

  7. jalapeño pauper

    I noticed that you used lower case letters for both words. While that is fine for the first word, the second should be capitalized since it’s a pauper noun.

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