Liberal Aping

Kos’s new book American Taliban now has a cover, and it seems kinda derivative of the cover of Liberal Fascism. It doesn’t even make sense. I mean, the Hitler mustache smiley face on Liberal Fascism represents the new happy fascism of the left, but the unhappy face on Kos’s book represents… best I can figure it’s sole purpose is a “No you’re the fascist!” to Jonah Goldberg. It’s a bit obsessive and pathetic, so it captures the essence of Daily Kos well.

Caleb Howe from Red State has some mock ups of Kos’s rejected covers. I’m not thinking any cover would really help the book at this point, because it just doesn’t seem like there’s a very big audience for it. With the Democrats in charge and having completely totaled the economy while mindlessly spending our money, how many people are looking to the golden age of conservatism — the eighties with Reagan in charge — and saying, “Wow! That was just like having the Taliban in control!” Very few people are that stupid, and I don’t know how many could afford a book. Plus the whole Taliban comparison always seemed disingenuous since the right wants to destroy the Taliban and the left wants to negotiate with them. In reality, the left always hated their political opponents — the right — more than they hated actual enemies of America such as the murderous thugs the Taliban. Instead of saying the right are just like the Taliban, maybe Kos could say, “The Taliban are as bad as the right! They’re just like Glenn Beck! We need to destroy them!” Then he’d be marginally useful. That could be fun for him instead of just being the creepy, obsessive internets guy.


  1. to Markos I would quote this passage

    5 And the devil took him (Jesus) up and showed him all the
    kingdoms of the world in a moment of time,

    6 and said to him,
    “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for
    it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.

    7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.”

    8 And Jesus answered him, …. end quote

    Satan said, “..and I give it to whom I will..” Political Power has been given
    to your kind (by Satan) for a reason. Read the following page and maybe
    you will understand why God has abandoned your America

    You see your present Power as a victory but it is a curse! Hopefully you
    will see the light someday

  2. I can’t think of anything clever to say. Certainly nothing new.

    I guess Kos is just like Jonah Goldberg but with more poop flinging.

    See, I told you I had no new revelation to share.

  3. O.K., I looked inside. I had to. It’s kind of like the allure of watching a train wreck. I observed:

    – Citations are such a bother. End notes are best put online instead of in the actual book.

    – The most informative way to write about conservatives is to quote Pat Buchanan and Jerry Falwell a couple of times and then natter on about how conservative Christians want to take over the world. It helps if you quote a few Protestant sermons as well.

    – Heaven forbid — oops I used “heaven” — that Christianity claims that it is exclusive. This is the acceptable province of only the world’s other three main religions: Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.

    – The Presidential Prayer Breakfast is eeeeevil. (No exaggeration here.)

    – His mom, bless her soul — oops there I go again — wants the terrorists to win. (Again, no exaggeration, unless I missed a horribly weak attempt at sarcasm.)

    – Instead of citing actual source material, it works to cite an NPR commentator who repeated a quotation alleged to have been made by some guy named Vereide in 1935.

    I could go on. Unlike famous submarine captains, I won’t let my lack of cleverness get in the way of my posting.

  4. “Very few people are that stupid, and I don’t know how many could afford a book.”

    Er, remember we’re talking about the same country that voted in Obama / Biden in ’08. Yes, there’s plenty of people that are that stupid.

  5. HA HA – what a chump! Liberal Facism spent months on the bestseller list – weeks at #1. If Kos thinks he can beat that he’s a moron.

    He set himself up for comparison to Goldberg’s book. If he doesn’t beat it (which he won’t even come close) then he’ll look like a failure by comparison. The man’s a fool.

  6. I thought teh book was supposed to be based on the fake polls that found that 90% of Republicans believed Obama was a pygmy witch doctor who cooked white people in a big black kettle while dancing around yelling ooga booga. But then Kos decided he didn’t want to pay the poll people so he said the poll people made up the results which everyone knew already so he seemed even more stupid than usual. So now will the book just have a forward and an afterward and blank pages in the middle? Who would pay for that? Oh never mind.

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