Why the Republicans Will Do Well in November: Guaranteed Results

I think a reason Republicans are going to do really well in November is that while when Obama was elected people had a hope of him making things better, people absolutely know for certain that Republicans will make things better.

Look at this way: In 2008, America was feeling really sick and crummy. And then comes along Dr. Obama who said, “I can make you all feel better!” And everyone was really hopeful that was true — despite a few suspicions since Dr. Obama didn’t have any diplomas hanging on the wall. So America hired Obama… who then started to hit us repeatedly in the crotch. And we were all like, “Ow! Stop that! Stop that now!” And Dr. Obama said, “Shut up, stupid! I don’t have to listen to you!” And then Dr. Obama’s Democrat congress assistants held us down so he can punch us even easier.

So now it’s 2010 and people are looking to Dr. GOP. And given Dr. GOP’s record, they’re not very hopeful he’ll actually be able to cure what originally was ailing America. But there is one thing America knows for certain: The GOP will be able to get Obama to stop hitting us repeatedly in the crotch, making us all feel a ton better. And guaranteed results like that is a powerful thing.


  1. there is a history of big changes in the mid-terms.

    in 1938 FDR’s Democrats lost 71 seats in the House and six in the Senate.
    Eisenhower’s Republicans lost 47 House seats, 13 in the Senate in 1958.
    JFK’s Democrats lost 47 seats in the House and three in the Senate.
    Nixon lost 43 House seats and three Senate seats.
    Reagan lost five House seats and eight Senate seats in his sixth year in office.

  2. Yes the Republicans will do well but first we need to find Barack Obama a new job! Preferably one in the Country of his birth, so I suggest we start running Craigs List Ads like this. We can help by giving Obama the CHANGE this country needs so desperately.

    Harvard educated African Lawyer seeks Employment

    Skills include community organizing, Alinskyism, techniques in radicalization, economic destruction, voter registration fraud, abortion, applying Marxist polices in a Capitalist society, dictator, impersonator, Religious Leader

    Previous employers: include various Communist Organizations and Radical groups
    Personal references: Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, MSNBC
    Currently employed as Resident of the United States

    then we will need a Find-Obama-a-New-Job.com website, and T-shirts, and Bumper stickers…

  3. Tthe economy was brought down by certain democrat lawmakers playing doctor out behind thw baqrn 9instead of minding the farm. So far the democrat solution has been “take two taxes and call me on the mornoig. I’m still playing doctor.”

  4. Dr. Obama: I hate Am – Am – Amerihazootie, or whatever the name of this country is.
    Biden: America.
    Dr. Obama: Yeah. I don’t want to cure anybody here. They all deserve to have whatever they have.

  5. So Dr. oh bam ma slipped some cocaine to the dhimis so they would not pay attention and just vote for him. The dhimi’s have nothing in the groin region to punch, so they don’t feel it. Yet now America suffers from the quack in alley that poked us with a non-sterile needle.

    Come November, we start wearing a cup.

  6. I hate to get negative. I really do but if the Dems keep the House and the Senate in the 2010 mid-terms, and if Obama is elected Resident of the United States for a 2nd term will you finally believe me?

    GOD is punishing America!

    And he’s probably not punishing you. You are one of the good guys, or I assume you are. But he is punishing them! The Obammun-ites, the Obammun-ists, the ObamaZombies, the so-called Liberals (who are actually communists), the Union bosses, most of the damned Democrat party, the abortionists, and doctors that helped thee Marxist Messiah pass his Communist plans are being punished. This is just the beginning.

    So IF (more like when) it happens don’t let it get you down. Try to stay positive. This is divine JUSTICE at work. These people deserve what they are getting. They deserve to be Obammatized. They deserve to be robbed blind by their Saviour.

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