What Would Happen If Europe Arrested Bush?

Some groups are lobbying to arrest George W. Bush if he visits countries overseas like Switzerland. I’m guessing if that happened, it would not go over very well. We’re okay with Europe being all silly and useless and stuff, but if they start arresting former presidents, our tolerance would be pretty low. And like how much of Europe could we conquer before we face more than token resistance?

Actually, there’s a good solution to our economic problems there: Goad Europe into arresting Bush and then have a big war with them and steal all our resources.

…Wait a second; what resources does Europe have? Do they have any oil? I know they make the curling stones from granite in Scotland.


  1. Europe has lots of old stuff. We could steal it and sell it in antique stores here in the US! I think they have lot’s of paintings by really old dead guys which might sell ok. I think they might have quite a lot of old gold and silver stuff too. We should steal all that and melt it down for gold and silver bars. The Vatican has quite a lot of old junk lying around that nobody is using that could also be loaded up and sent back to our Antique Malls for a super sale! Of the European women, we might steal the French and Nordic ones and maybe some from Spain. The eastern European ones we don’t need. We don’t want their money since it is play money anyway (The Euro – very ghey)! Oh, and let’s steal all the BMW’s and Mercedes we can load onto a big ship. New ones from their factories. No Volvos, however! These are driven by college professors and other dorks!

  2. We could steal all the loot various strong men, dictators, and autocratic despots who rule third world crap hole countries have stashed away in Swiss banks. Most of it originated with US taxpayers anyway.

  3. “What Would Happen If Europe Arrested Bush?”

    After I finished dancing a jig, I’d remind them to not forget about Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfiwitz, and everyone else involved in dragging the U.S. into illegal and unncessary wars.

  4. Europe is supposed to have a lot of artsy crap they keep in museums that we could sell and use the money to buy guns and stuff. I hear they also have some wine that’s pretty good. We could sell that and use the profits to buy trucks………… and guns! Also, it would be pretty cool to actually film one of those silly vampire movies on location in Romania where the original vampire guy is supposed to be from. A lot of teenage girls would pay to see it and we could use the money to buy……………AMMO!

  5. Who would the Ross Perot be? With a Carter-like ineffective, anti-American president, we would need a new Ross Perot to put together a group to go in and get people out when the government won’t.

  6. There’s lot of stuff to loot and plunder in Europe. Art, gold and silver stuff, crown jewels, lots of cool stuff. We waged to world wars to keep those Euroweinies free so they owe us big time. Time to collect! So yeah, I hope they arrest GW Bush so we can invade and conquer. I just hope they wait until we vote the O-Bozo out, ’cause if he’s in power when they nab Bush he’ll just bow and apologize and leave him in their hands.

    I want to be a feudal lord with a castle as part of my loot. A nice castle with a moat and some tall towers so I can look out over my domain. Then I’d ride out with my elite goons and plunder and loot the countryside everynow and then. Damn peasants and their constant whining!

  7. They do have that particle collider in Scotland. We could use it to go back in time and start a brontosaurus ranch in Utah. Just have millions of brontos, and then we carpet bomb them, over and over again.

    Then, we drill for oil in the present day.

    I’m pretty sure Bush plans to ‘allow’ himself to be arrested so he can do this without being detected. He’s quite crafty about stealing oil surreptitiously.

  8. Yea, castles! I’ll take one of those too along with plenty of serfs and wenches to do my bidding. I will, of course need a proper suit of armor so if any of you guys come across one in my size that’s all dazzlin’ and stuff that’s mine! Then I will plunder King Arthur’s sword and I will be set. I will ride into my domain and do some smotin’ once in awhile to keep the rubes in order. If I find my kingdom short of anything I desire, then we shall go to plunderin’ other kingdoms with catapults and cannons and such! Once we overthrow the other guys kingdom we shall do him the honor of placing his head on top of a stick in the village square for all to see. Muwahahahahaha! Oh and I shall require a mighty steed! Pure white with kind of a nasty streak, like if you get too close he kills you!

  9. If we war with Europe and take it over, kindly position me atop the Eiffel Tower. Then invite liberals to come to the Eiffel Tower. When they get to the base, I’ll drop water balloons onto them. We’ll call it a practical lesson in physics.

  10. ussjimmycarter,

    Wenches! I forgot the wenches! Thanks for reminding me. Now I really, really want that castle. Surrounded by a beer moat. I can take a morning swim or ten in it to get ready for a day of wenching and plundering. Now we’re talking!

  11. First of all, I don’t think the Europeans, especially the Swiss, have the stones, although I would say that Bush’s chances would be better if he were a child rapist or a Nazi.

    Second, there’s a chance of gun play by the Secret Service. No secret service team would want to carry the shame of “the team that allowed a president to be arrested by Switzerland.”

    Third, if Bush were arrested, Darth Cheney would unite his forces and go rogue. No nads would be safe.

  12. Darth Cheney and Chuck Norris would go all swiss army knife on them, Delta Force style. There’d be shotguns to the face and roundhouse kicks to the junk. The Swiss countryside would have more holes in it than their cheese. Then when they finally get to the facility where G. W. Bush was being held, he’ll be standing atop a smoking pile of swiss army men and european union officials and rubble, and Bush will say, “They got you too, Dick. C’mon, I’m breaking is out. You can come too, beardy face.” And that’s how the U.S.A. stomped a mud-hole in those euro-tards!

  13. If europe actually had the guts to arrest a real American the sky would turn black, dogs and cats would sleep together, the twit in the white house would want to be clear, and a big BOOM would be heard around the world. I have friends in Czechoslovakia who would love beach front property.

    Why would a real American ever be in europe anyway, the third world is really smelly.

    Did you ever wonder what europe could have been like had they won WWII?

  14. If we go to war with Europe, can we at least bring back the Swedish Bikini Team as spoils of war?
    I also hear that the Germans know how to run the trains on time, so we could use some of those German Train Engineers.
    I also hear that France has some ‘louver’ that is some kind of national treasure, though I’m of the opinion that if you’ve seen one louver, you’ve seen them all.
    We should bomb the Large Hadron Collider just so those Euro-Trash don’t get their grubby hands on the ‘God’ Particle.

  15. Yea, you can’t have a castle without a lot of wenches! Then you can be all “see there yon wench, go fetch my .357 magnum and pour me a bath while you are at it and do so in all haste!” Then the wench is off to serve me! My wenches will all be of fine breeding and will be former European movie stars and models and such. They will be bopped on their wench heads and thrown over saddle and brought to my castle for approval by me. If I disapprove, they shall be thrown to the alligators in the mote when I declare “away from me ugly wench”! This will be like so cool!

  16. From the article:
    “former US president had cancelled a trip to Switzerland over fears that he could be probed for torture.”

    I thought probing WAS torture.

    Maybe we could exchange George W for Roman Polanski? Then when we’ve got that child-sodomizing SOB securely locked away in a Federal ‘Hey, movie-boy, pick up dat soap!’ Facility, we can bust Dubya out and steal all their stuff.

  17. Rove and John Yoo…. I forgot to mention them. They’re just as guilty for creating the mess we’re in.

    Hey Basil, yes, my real name is Anonymous… good guess. But, no I’m not from Tampa so you don’t get the grand prize. I answered the question without paying much attention to the type of website this is. Go thump your Republican Bible with the American-made Jesus story, grab your gun, reload and get back to your ignorance as usual.

  18. Really, anonymous? Not from Tampa? You remind me so much of … oh, well, that’s another story.

    You did hear that Olbermann got a job working for Al Gore’s TV channel, didn’t you? Now you won’t have to cry yourself asleep at night.

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