Why would Garfield hate Mondays? What kind of weekday schedule does he have?
Wonder what James Garfield would think of the fact that despite being president, he’s only the 9th Google result for Garfield? He’d probably burn us as witches for bringing it up.
I never felt that Sesame Street fully explored the character Herry Monster.
I bet he could be Sesame Street’s most complex character if I were allowed to do a two season arc featuring him.
Garfield would have been loved and adored by thousands of naive people if he had been a philanderer before he bought it.
He was great in The Postman Always Rings Twice.
What have you been doing that your random thoughts revolve around Garfield and Sesame Street? Sesame Street I think I get (you’re a pawn of PBS), but Garfield? That’s what my 11-year old reads.
Everyone hates Mondays…why should Garfield be an exception?
Random thought: Our campaign to save the rebels from Quacky Dictator Guy is working as well as Operation Rolling Thunder. Obama doesn’t have the stomach to put boots on the ground, no one else has the capability to put boots on the ground. So, IMAO Ronin, it’s up to us.
Auditions for the IMAO Expeditionary Force will be at my house in Pennsylvania. We’ll experience urban warfare in the streets of Philadelphia near the Temple University Campus. Hopefully we can get some airplanes to help us with practicing calling in air strikes in the rolling fields of gorgeous New Jersey.
I forgot to mention an important detail. We will all be armed with M1 Garands. The greatest battle implement ever devised. This is our way of honoring General Patton.
So that’s berry’s plan? throw Big Bird at qdaffy?
Big Bird observes the no fly zone.
berry hates America, Big Bird always respects and admires other cultures.
What kind of people live on Sesame Street if they allow one of their friends to live in the dumpster?
Count berry: 12! 12 Imams ha ha ha ha.
shiggz random thought
Islamists and leftists these days.
*Electronics with fruit on it:
Left= smash
*White people (themselves not included)
I could go on but for all of Islams faults which the left has decided its their job to coverup. (thus I feel less sympathy for those leftists caught in its wake) At least Islam is honest and above all does not worship trees and electronics with fruit designs on it. For the rest of us whether its electronics, gays, trees, etc… All the rest of us thinking beings are able to come up with responses outside of “Smash” and “Worship”…. and that’s why I’m not a leftist or Islamist and don’t want frankly want to spend time around either of them.
To be a socialist is to not understand why a system that rewards failure and mediocrity but punishes success will never succeed.
“I never felt that Sesame Street fully explored the character Harry Monster.”
Well, ever since Harry’s drunken rant at that cast party way back in season one – the one where he said, “Oh my God, you puppets are such fags! Your diversity crap is f’ing stupid PC BS, just teach kids to count and shut the hell up about that liberal crap!” – his fate was pretty much doomed with Muppet management.
“Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money!” Margaret Thatcher. I miss the good ole’ days of the Grand Old Lady and Ronaldo Magnus punching evil doers in the nads every time they had a chance! It’s time to unleash the Craken…or in our case Mr. Fred Thompson to start putting some boot to a$$! Obama is too busy getting Michelle’s boot applied to his nads and a$$ to take care of the countries business!
Garfield hates Mondays because he is The Original Weekend Party Animal.
James A. Garfield, assassinated after 200 DAYS as President. Not much time to be well remembered by Google Search.
Harry Monster was always grateful that his mom didn’t marry Mr. Parabawlz.
Complex characters, on Sesame St………One of these things doesn’t belong…..
Wish my keyboard had symbols for musical notes.
I had a Random Thought about Tim Yawnplenty, but I immediately fell asleep.