Here’s your syrup and chicken feather

Since Frank is away and I have a job and Harvey is working and Space Monkey is, well, Space Monkey…

What’s an IMAO reader to do?

Well, a long time ago, you could keep an infant entertained by putting a dab of syrup on his fingers and give him a chicken feather. Of course, it helped to have chickens. And syrup.

But this isn’t Georgia of some years back. It’s 2001 or something.

However, the kids do need entertaining. I gotta pack the iPad away and go back to work since lunchtime is over. So, I offer the blogging equivalent of syrup and chicken feathers.

That’s right! Open Thread!

Share your random thoughts. Plug something. Tell jokes. Just keep it clean. At least, what passes for clean around here.


  1. So, I guess I don’t get the whole chicken syrup thing. After the infant eats the feather while licking the syrup, then he entertains himself by…trying to cough up the feather?

    [Try it. It’s entertaining to watch, too! – B.]

  2. Thanks Basil! Now I am dizzy from chasing this stupid feather I got stuck to my nose.

    Careful son of Bob, the dims will be demanding chicken “lover” marriage.

    So boner is so stupid, he was fooled by the complete morons hairlip reid and schmuck schumer. He ought to be embarrassed to even breath.

    Someone said nancy was screeching again yesterday. What is it this time? Someone told her how irrelevant she is or did she look in the mirror again and turn to stone?

    Chicken and waffles after you get the feathers off.

    biden got a feather stuck to his finger and has been crying ever since.

  3. Iowa Jim,

    Ask the President. Growing up in a hardscrabble farmstead on the rugged Southside of the Windy City, with whites and Blackhawk Indians constantly warring with Al Capone, he was naturally attracted to those Chicago Cub Sox and their legendary players, like Shoeless Kerry Wood and Comiskey Sosa. He’s still a legendary fan of footbase. Just like you folks.

  4. My daughter asked if she could get her lip pierced now or would she have to wait until she gets out of the house. Shoot me now. Track me down and deliver a mercy killing. I’d go to hell if i were to kill myself I’m sure. “A two of spades, three of spades, four of diamonds… six of clubs, eight of spades. There isn’t one worth a jack in the whole bunch.”

  5. Hey Critter, I remember them trying to teach us that song in 1st grade. They were also trying to teach us French so I assumed it was a French song, “Merci Doce Doce Doce”. It irritated the hell out of me having to sing a song that I did not know what the words meant. Too many cuts on sharp toys I guess.

  6. But, what if the guy doing the chicken is a democrat voter? Isn’t it then just an “alternative lifestyle”?

    No. It means he’s been cooped up too long </rimshot>
    Or he’s a poutrygeist.</baddabum>

  7. Last week we came so close to a shutdown that the federal government actually classified itself into 2 categories: essential and nonessential. I am the only one sad because a compromise stopped us from having only essential government for a little while? I am I crazy to think that this line a perfect place to focus on in all ongoing budget debates?

    The federal government has just admitted that a large portion of itself is not needed. Eureka! If this isn’t a moment of clarity, what is?

    So why keep it at all? Anything deemed nonessential will become-if it hasn’t already-a sanctuary for waste and corruption. How many half-witted cousins have jobs at the department of education?

    The most I’m willing to put up with is the idle essential. FEMA can sit around drinking coffee as long as they are ready with helicopters when the hurricane shows up at my door.

    So lets give the shutdown a try; wait a month and see what shakes loose. Maybe we will find a few services we really didn’t appreciate. Or maybe we will find that kicking this government habit cold turkey really wasn’t that hard after all.

  8. Ed the Pastor – Got a cup of coffee once at a coffee shop in Minneapolis. The young girl who waited on me had everything pierced. Her nose, lips, ears, eyebrows, tongue and probably several places I could not see. As she was handing me my coffee, me standing there in a business suit said “you know, my goal in life has been to get through it with the same number of holes that I started with”… She had to laugh at that one…

  9. Trying to decide what the worst board game in the history of the world is. Lots of candidates. Have to eliminate board games based on non-board-game things just on g.p. (the “Mary Hartman Mary Hartman Game” couldn’t be any good). Sequel games also have to be eliminated: too easy (I assume there’s a “Monopoly” version based on the CSI shows, but why?).

    As for games that count: “Green Ghost” sucked. “Careers” — crap early grrl-powerrrr propoganda. “Happiness” — clever concept (6 mini-games within the larger game) ruined by hippie garbage. The rebooted “Pay Day” wherein Sundays went from being a day of rest to a day of playing the lottery (!) — crummy lessons for the kiddiepoos. “Operation” — cruel, loud, annoying. “Mousetrap” — who ever actually played the stupid game more than once? So many choices.

  10. Mxymaster My vote would be for chutes and ladders. The only entertaining part is after an hour of random lurching up and down the board, watching the three year old who just beat you gloat about it.

  11. I never liked Chutes and Ladders – I always got sent down the HUGE slide. Looks like that game is able to predict a person’s behavioral future. Who knew?

    I was also a Twister champ. HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Where’s DamnCat? Is she off investigating what’s happening with chicken feathers and syrup?

  12. Q: How many libertarians does it take to change a lightbulb?

    A: None. If he wants to sit in the dark, it’s his own damn business.

    I’m guessing that DamnCat will be chasing that feather all day. The syrup on the paw will keep her occupied for the rest of the weekend (obsessive grooming first, followed by hairballs).

  13. Harry Potter 7, my week just took a gigantic leap for the better…………..and yes I am older than 15. Much, much, much, much older.

    How many Demoncrats does it take to change a light bulb. None they spend all their money buying the most expensive one they can find, then they stand around trying to decide who’s turn it is, and which persons victim status has the most relevance and then they wander off to the next bright shiny object or bag of Doritos (after years of recreational drug use they have terminal muchies).

  14. Q: How many conservatives does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: Change?!

    Q: How many San Franciscans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A: Five thousand. One to screw it in some guy’s *ss, one to take a picture of it, one to apply for an NEA grant, one to hang the picture in the art museum in time for the elementary school field trip, one to agitate for adding the history of this artistic breakthrough to the mandatory school curriculum, and four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five to stage a naked parade to denounce as a Nazi anyone who has committed the hate crime of objecting to any of the above. Actually, this is not really a joke, I’m pretty sure that happened last week.

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