Link of the Day: Obama Really IS the Greatest President in the History of Everything

[High Praise! to EdThePastor and]

Marx on Monday: Who is the greatest President of them all?

[title reference link]

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  1. You stupid, silly, gullible men! YOU are the clueless ones! Only a typical low foreheaded man would be dumb enough to miss the true and inarguable greatness of this absolutely historic man and his impressive administration. This president, unlike your Bushitler, has conquered the economy and brought it under control. Militarily he brought Bin Laden to ultimate justice, is tracking down the killers of US Ambassador Ben Gazzi, and is pursuing the Boston bombers. You wingnuts can’t even brag on Bushitler killing the Shaw of Iraq Saddam Hussein. Because he didn’t. Iraq did.
    But hey at least you can run around with your guns and still worship at the altar of Ted Nugent for a little while longer. But Obama is still your president. Not Bushitler or Ronnie Raygun. Deal with THAT.

  2. Well I guess that depends on what the meaning of “IS” is.

    Is “is” being used as the third-person singular present tense of the English language verb “to be”?

    Or is “is” being used the way Slick Willy used “IS” in his famous “meaning of IS” defense? Bill Clinton, as you all know, was caught lying about having Oral-Anal Cigar Masturbation Sex with Monica Lewinsky after Church on Easter Sunday.

  3. I don’t know about y’all but the gentleman’s essay reminded me a great deal of Jonathan Swift’s (Gullivers Travels author) of his 1725 satirical piece “A Modest Proposal”. Of course I could be wrong but I don’t believe anyone who really believed what he wrote would have used word choices like
    “too lazy”
    and “with little or no help from any of the kids’ different fathers”
    and “current plans to celebrate his Presidency by adding his image to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial by sculpting Obama’s features over the sculpture of the inconsequential President, Teddy Roosevelt”

    Now I could be wrong but I think Frank J Fleming has written a few pieces like this. . The genius is that those not paying attention will slip on the banana peel of satire and fall flat on their faces in the butt crack of hyperbole.

    Of course I could be wrong. This guy may be a liberal twit who gets his jollies from angering conservatives, it’s not like we don’t have a few on our side that poke (I was gong to say bear but……) the flamingo. Even if he’s making fun of the “right” he’s done it in a truly inspired way, resurrecting every stereotype and talking point of the right and the left. I may not like his politics (if I’m wrong) but I appreciate the talent. Just my take, former English major that I am. If he’s not a satirist I will quote Emily Latella SNL news corespondent


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