I’m more surprised that Jason Collins openly plays for the Washington Wizards.
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) April 29, 2013
“Sweetie, did you hear Michael Jordan is gay?” – Everyone’s mom right now
— Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey) April 29, 2013
Let’s see what this baby can do.*puts a baby in a corn maze*
— Dan Duvall (@lazerdoov) April 29, 2013
Bar now set VERY high for “funniest ricin terrorism investigation”
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) April 29, 2013
Well, now I know who Chris Broussard and Jason Collins are.
— Kyle Smith (@rkylesmith) April 29, 2013
Waterboardin’ is how we baptize the terrorists with freedom. Merica.
— Cloyd Rivers (@CloydRivers) April 29, 2013
There’s probably only 9 people on earth actually important enough to wear a suit.
— Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey) April 29, 2013
Tell me more about the plight of gay rich people.
— mitrebox (@mitrebox) April 29, 2013
Now if only the economy could come out and admit it is gay Obama might actually pay attention to it & make an effort to get it going again.
— NumbersMuncher (@NumbersMuncher) April 29, 2013
I skipped this one to give someone else a shot but I want the “precious”. YGDFTYLTATSOTE!!!
Precious Bacon to seanmahair!
Instead of saying “I’m gay!” when people come out they should say “I like coating my penis with other men’s fecal matter!”