Scientists Just Discovered 3 New Kinds of Carnivorous Sponge in The Deep Ocean | Jan. 18,2021 | Jacinta Bowler
“Carnivorous sea sponges” still sound like something from a sci-fi movie. And yet, researchers just announced the discovery of three new such species off the coast of Australia.
Out-of-Control Australian Bushfire Threatens Perth Homes | Jan. 16, 2021
“Like Finding Life on Mars”: Why the Underground Orchid Is Australia’s Strangest, Most Mysterious Flower | Dec. 29. 2020
Australia Signals Shift Away From Climate Credit “Cheating” | Nov. 20, 2020Australia’s prime minister said the country may no longer rely on a much-criticised accounting tactic to meet its emissions targets, stepping away from an approach international partners had labelled “cheating”.
Conservative leader Scott Morrison said targets under the Paris climate accord could be met without using so-called “carryover” credits—a mechanism that reduces current emissions on paper but not in the atmosphere.
Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.
The real question is, “What in Australia doesn’t want to kill you?”
“Come to Australia – you might just get yourself killed.”
But it will be an interesting death.
Australia – What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger for the Next Thing That Kills You…
I was going to make an “Australia wants to kill you” joke but it seems we’ve covered that ground.
And lurking just below that ground is an underground orchid.
Which wants to kill you.
I’m not saying it was Australians…
“Alice in Gowandaland, And What She Found There”
“Crikey, dear heart, I’m just going to go swimming with three kinds of carnivorous sponges right below me. G’day, mate!”
Don’t worry about those sponges because the Box Jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) will kill you long before they can.
Do any of them have square pants?
Here in the USA, we have the carnivorous IRS and clothes dryers that
eat socks, so there.
Don’t forget the exploding vaginal smelling candles in the UK.