Thursday Night Open Thread: Dr. Jill

Are you literally Hitler if you don’t call Dr. Jill a “doctor,” or are you only figuratively Hitler?

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

There Goes Rhymin’ Biden

Can anyone help me finish this ?

There once was a fellow named Biden
Whose idea of speaking was hidin’.
But he couldn’t resist;
And he made a wee fist
And declared . . .

From the “Not Focusing on the Big Picture” File

Nuclear War Could Trigger Big El Nino and Decrease Seafood
Rutgers University | | January 25, 2021

Just Wait Until They’re in Charge of Your Health Care! Oh . . . Wait . . .

Philadelphia Let “College Kids” Distribute Vaccines. The Result Was a “Disaster,” Volunteers Say.
Washington Post | 1/27/21 | Antonia Noori Farzan

Philadelphia is home to some of the most venerated medical institutions in the country. Yet when it came time to set up the city’s first and largest coronavirus mass vaccination site, officials turned to the start-up Philly Fighting COVID, a self-described “group of college kids” with minimal health-care experience.

Chaos ensued.

Seniors were left in tears after finding that appointments they’d made through a bungled sign-up form wouldn’t be honored. The group switched to a for-profit model without publicizing the change and added a privacy policy that would allow it to sell users’ personal data. One volunteer alleged that the 22-year-old CEO had pocketed vaccine doses. Another described a “free-for-all” where unsupervised 18- and 19-year-olds vaccinated one another and posed for photos.

Now, the city has cut ties with Philly Fighting COVID, and prosecutors are looking into the “concerning” allegations.

They Finally Tried Pronouncing It Basel?

Mystery of the Basel Papyrus Solved
University of Basel | | July 13, 2018

Since the 16th century, Basel has been home to a mysterious papyrus. With mirror writing on both sides, it has puzzled generations of researchers. A research team from the University of Basel has now discovered that it is an unknown medical document from late antiquity. The text was likely written by the famous Roman physician Galen.

A physician with priden

Straight Line of the Day — Helpful IMAO, Part 2: To Help Democrats With Their Obvious Goals, We Should…

Straight Line of the Day — Helpful IMAO, part 2: to help Democrats with their obvious goals, we should…

Welcome to IMAO: Small Office, Large Antenna, No Driveway

Cartoons and Memes


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