He’s focusing on just how easily a political career can crater when reality catches up to one’s ambitions, and there is no one to save you from yourself in front of the cameras…
Finding a way to suspend all of the environmental rules he and his cronies have laden the state with, in order to dig out of the catastrophe they have largely created…
It’s more likely that he is trying to figure out how to manipulate environmental laws to prevent rebuilding, focusing on how to gain political and financial advantage as a result
His reflection in the mirror.
Rotate the “N” in “Nero” clockwise by ninety degrees , then resubmit…
He’s trying to drag Trump into his mess.
What’s the old saying?
_____ the _____ing ____er .
(This is still a Harvey-approved PG-13 site, right? Or should I spell it out?)
It could have so many solutions, your puzzle.
He’s focusing on just how easily a political career can crater when reality catches up to one’s ambitions, and there is no one to save you from yourself in front of the cameras…
Finding a way to suspend all of the environmental rules he and his cronies have laden the state with, in order to dig out of the catastrophe they have largely created…
It’s more likely that he is trying to figure out how to manipulate environmental laws to prevent rebuilding, focusing on how to gain political and financial advantage as a result
Seen on internet:
Those meddling kids!
I heard he’s trying to find a pot shop that hasn’t burned down.
What a crock.
He’s looking for a flame-resistant hair gel.
His Democrat donor base.
I hear he’s burning with ambition and is gonna pursue the presidency like a house afire .
Due to the expectation of a recall election and the high cost of fire insurance in California, he’s looking at retirement properties in Florida.
“Screw it, guys. Let’s go to the beach”