If you want some wacky fun, check up how N.Z. Bear got all the muckadoos stirred up with his Iraqi death toll counter (hat tip to the Puppy Blender).
This is why we Alliance members have to work harder to beat the League of Losers Liberals in the future.
Frank, you shouls make a counter that counts the number of hippies strangled by Rumsfeld.
Great idea! You could call it the RARR Counter!
Another idea: The number liberals who haven’t figured out imao is satire posting on this site in a given day
Liberals who haven’t figured out imao is satire?
I don’t think my computer can count that high.
Try it out, it was great fun like poking aligators er I mean liberals.
look at them snappers!!
To quote the liberals in the comments on TLBear’s post:
My! NZ whacked that hornet’s nest with a stick all right! Look at ’em buzz! snicker
Does anyone else remember the days when the left used to actually have a sense of humour… ?