I make a few funny jokes, and I get called “hostile,” but Stephen Colbert bombs at the White House Correspondents Dinner and he gets to be the left-wing Jesus (and just check DU for any mention of him).
Archive of entries posted on April 2006
The First Anniversary Carnival Of Comedy
Welcome to the April 27, 2006 edition, the 52nd edition, and also the 1st Anniversary Edition ( We skipped a week back when the london ‘tube’ bombings took place) of the Carnival of Comedy. This is one big edition.As you may or may not know, I am an artist or perhaps I am a nartist. Either way, I draw stuff. I drew stuff for the carnival, in fact I drew all the stuff you see on this here carnival. The 52nd and First anniversary Carnival. Of Comedy.
Sorry it’s late but it wouldn’t be a spacemonkey carnival of comedy if it were on time. Would it?
Continue reading ‘The First Anniversary Carnival Of Comedy’ »
slow and steady wins the race . . .
Yay, Moonbunny!
Not too long ago, I received an email from Shimauma, one of our frequent commenters. Her daughter, Moonbunny, is a world famous artist. At least she will be one day.
She sent us this comic asking for feedback on her artistic and comic creating abilities. It was simple, juvenile French bashing. SO WE LOVED IT!
I personally encouraged her to continue wih her art. Sigh. They grow up so quickly.
Please check out the work of this aspiring young (12 years old) artist and her creation: Zombie Squirrel.
Some people say that IMAO is written for fourth graders. This is proof that some of our readers have made it beyond sixth grade. SpaceMonkey and I even made it past 8th grade. Or at least most of the way.
So visit please and enjoy.
The New InstaPodcast – Don’t Bother
(A Filthy Lie)
All he does is spend 90 minutes pimping his new book:
(click to enlarge)
On the other hand, I kinda like his new intro music, which is a dozen bars of “How Much Is That Doggie In the Window?” that’s cut short by the sound of a blender on “liquefy”.
Saturday Open Thread
The Mexican Sabbath Day
I’ve been reading about these so-called “pro-immigration” protests being planned for May 1st by “civil rights activists” and there’s something that doesn’t quite add up.
Individuals of Mexican descent, whether citizens or legal immigrants or those in the U.S. illegally, are being called upon to refuse to work or engage in any commerce on May 1st in protest of pending bills in Congress that have yet to be emasculated by pro-Amnesty elected officials ignoring the overwhelming will of the American citizenry. You know, to raise awareness of their contributions to society and stuff like that. Or just to get a “goofoff” day off from work or school.
Well, excuse me, but Jews have been doing that kind of thing for over 5,700 years. On a weekly basis, even. And do you see anybody taking us seriously?
No freaking way. We’re still getting stabbed, bombed, shot, blown up, and blamed for everything from the plague to RIAA violations. (Okay, faking the Moon Landing was us. But we’ve learned from our mistakes, and we’ll do a better job when we fake the Mars Landing in 2011.)

A Jew testing his Mind Control Laser
before it is launched into orbit over Washington.
Of course, our mistake may have been doing that stuff to coincide with the start of the weekend. I mean, we invented ‘Thank G-d It’s Friday” for crying out loud. Maybe if we’d do that stuff on a Tuesday or a Thursday, folks would realize the Jewish contributions to society when they have to rearrange their court dates, reschedule surgeries, or the weather gets all out of whack when the Zionist Weather Control Machines are shut down. (Sorry, New Orleans!)
Blogs Can Make a Difference
Here’s an update on Andrea Clark. It’s nice to see this isn’t a partisan issue.
UPDATE: It’s taken a turn for the worst since St. Luke’s suddenly reneged on taking Andrea. John Hawkins is trying to get more details.
Uno de Mayo
In anticipation of Uno De Mayo protests, I thought I’d remind people of a certain deranged project I worked on last year when the “How To Sneak Into Gringoland” comic book was published and distributed by the Mexican Government:

Remember, folks: the undershorts of Uncle Sam himself are exposed!
Where Did IMAO Go? Ask Saudi Arabia
DoS attack on Hosting Matters took IMAO down and a number of other poltical blogs. Michelle Malkin has the details (she always has the details first; hmm…).
What’s the point of these attacks? We’re down a couple hours, and then we’re just angrier.
Anyway, make sure to tell everyone you know to visit IMAO and buy lots of merchandise; it’s the only way to show the terrorists you won’t be intimidated.
So does this count as the first attack against the 101st Fighting Keyboardists?
Friday Catblogging
Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers have cats, but apparently I’m the only one of them brilliant enough to combine cats and blogging without blowing them up in a messy explosion of fur and PHP codes.
Anyway, it’s time for Frisky the Fluffy:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Frisky is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats Sunday, so send your catblogging links to submissions @ carnivalofthecats.com.)
Carnival Of Comedy is On Its Way
Calling All Chicken Hawks
Ready to put your keyboad where your mouth is? Captain Ed wants you to join the 101st Fighting Keyboardists.
Gimme a sec while I put up our cool new logo on the sidebar…
United 93
United 93 opens tomorrow. Here is a review from David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer.
Michelle Malkin has more about the marketing and reactions to the movie, including a new episode of Vent (I previously went over some of the odd reactions to the film, but they seem to be the exception from established movie critics).
The Libertas Blog notes that the ending was changed (well, the words that appear before the credits).
Do We Laugh So We Don’t Kill?
Sometime I like to take a break from telling you all what to think to tell you why you think that (Short Answer: Because I told you too). Now, some unwary liberals have stumbled onto conservative humor on some t-shirts from ThoseShirts.com and were quite shocked and appalled by what they saw. Digby feared that our humor meant we mean his ilk real harm, while maha says that this just follows a long line of violent conservative humor rooted in hostility.
She also says there is no such liberal equivalent.
Yeah, yeah; calm down. It’s just like the “there’s no liberal media” types who basically have King Kong trashing their living room but claim not to be able to see a monkey. But doesn’t such obtuseness bring up some hostile feeling in you? Maybe there is a point about right-wing hostility in humor, as, if you look at it, there are a lot of factors out there that can be pushing conservatives like me to a very hostile disposition which I could possibly be reflecting in my humor.
* We were able to steal two Presidential election, but unable to rig Presidential approval polls.
* Confusion resulting from that we hate women and minorities, yet love Condoleezza Rice’s warmongering and the punditry of Michelle Malkin.
* Our neo-nazi tendencies push us to anti-Semitism, but we’re also working on Zionist conspiracies to fight wars solely to benefit Israel.
* Walker: Texas Ranger was canceled years ago.
* Illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs (personally, I have tons of bills to pay for my college education in electrical engineering, so how can I compete with Pedro hanging out by the Radio Shack who will design custom Power-On Reset circuits for $2.00 an hour?).
* We got Halliburton the illegal wars it wanted, but it’s yet to deliver on the cheap oil.
All of that combined can lead to quite a bit of hostility, and, subconsciously, that could seep into our humor, our jokes revealing our violent intentions. How can we tell, though?
Obviously, Digby and maha lack any sort of science background to definitively detect latent hostility hiding in humor. Luckily, you have me, and there is no one more scientifical than Frank J.
Now, I contacted the humor department at Carnegie Mellon University (it’s an actual university; Google it), and they happen to have specific studies on hostility in humor. It is essential to note that humor is hostile by nature. While it feels good to laugh at something, it feels horrible to be laughed at. Studies have shown that being laughed at activates the same centers of the brain as when one is threatened with a gun (That particular study was done by having some people connected to a brain monitor and then having the entire staff come in the room and laugh at the people for how dumb they looked with all that equipment attached to them. The other test case had people connected to the brain monitor and told they were going to view a series of pictures, but instead Samuel L. Jackson runs into a room, points a gun at the subject, and recites a stylized version of Ezekiel 25:17. The control case had people connected to the brain monitor and just forgotten about until they got angry and left.).
To measure hostility in humor, the Franken Scale is used. It’s a linear scale for signifying the amount of latent hostility in a joke and ranges from 1 (no hostility) to 10 (“My name is Ted Rall.”). Before we use the Franken Scale on the right-wing humor in question, let’s use it on some simple examples so you can familiarize yourself with it. First, let’s start with a joke common among many children: