As we all know, the liberal netroots in the blogosphere, tired of failing to defeat Republicans, are now eating their own. Right now, they’ve turned on Joe Lieberman in an attempt to purge the Democratic Party of Jews. Just witness this recent posting on the DailyKos:
by kos
Today, at the bank, I had to wait twenty minutes to make a deposit.
This is obviously a strike against me for opposing Joe Lieberman since, as we all know, THE JOOOOS CONTROL THE BANKS!
And when I went to IHOP this morning, I asked for an English muffin with my meal, but they brought me a bagel! Needless to say, I took a dump on their sidewalk. I urge all other progressives to do the same.
I talked with IMAO’s token Jew, Laurence Simon, and he confirmed that, at his secret Jew meeting, the topic was how to get Kos. Can Kos succeed with Jew conspiracies out to get him? Maybe, as, to help himself, he’s joined up with Hamas. Here’s the statement from their spokesman:
“We are happy to join up with Kos to defeat Joe Lieberman… who is a joooo! Kos brings with him much youthful energy, though we remind him to stay away from our explosives before he hurts himself and others. Only certified suicide bombers who’ve passed a weekend course are allowed to use our explosives to hurt themselves and others.”
More news as it occurs…
//Kos brings with him much youthful energy//
Much like the human shields used by Humas, yeah I can see Kos fitting in with them if he uses all the 10 year olds in his “love” dungeon to protect himself.
I apologize for Kos. He was the second, less successful attempt to clone me; he was made from Mini-Me’s leftovers and it didn’t turn out well.
So it takes two whole days to learn to walk up to the Jooo and push the little red button – NO not now! No wonder they have problems over there.
Of course the Jews control the banks as they control the film and music industries. They even control Israel which is a British/French invented country full of Eastern Europeans and Slavics, not Jews. The land belongs to the Filastin who always lived there. Ah, Jordan is also Palestine.
Silly joooos…and they will probably vote for Satan instead of a fellow jooooo and then she will make being a jooooo illegal and there they will be!