it now official. u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues no longer hav dee seante or dee house. u dont even hav angry monkey hater rumersfeld. u only hav dum stoopid boosh.
po dum stoopid heelbilly jues. u scared of democratees and der monkey freends. but i cheer u up. i make u feel better. come close so i geev u hug…
all is over for u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues! u get no laws passed now because democratee monkeys stop all of it! u no hurt islamo monkeys because dey r our freends. an eef u try and put a conserveetiv judge thru dee seante…
an u no stop us because u no see since I ATE YUR EYEBALLS!
wee rul now! u do as wee say! in dee land of the blind DEE MONKEY HOO ATE UR EYEBALLS IS KING!
You forget, my simian friend, that elecions happen ever 2 years. Once we feel that the Republicans have sufficiently understood the consequences of their poor fiscal policies, we’ll just vote them back into office. Your Democrat friends are poor and weak, and shouldn’t be able to cause TOO much damage in the next 2 years, and even if they do, we’ll just fix it.
Your foolish plans might’ve worked in Venezuela, but they won’t fly here. So, enjoy your victory, while it lasts.
someone left the back door open again!!
That monkey looks just like Pelosi. Are they related?
eating eyeballs…flinging poo…posting semi-regularly on the funniest @#$% site on the inernet…you know…the life of a scary evil monkey really isn’t that bad.
Evil monkey bad!!! He bring bad juju to conservative jungle. Tarzan kill evil monkey! Kill two monkies and make slippers out of them.
He just got lost from his organ grinder again.
Call Animal Control.
//organ grinder//…hrm, snarf…
ahem….am I the only one who categorizes this phrase in particular as juvenile humor, yet still chuckles? Oh well, I guess juvenile humor goes with the monkeyface post.
Both the juvenile humor and the double entendres were deliberatly included.
In view of the last elections, we may have no choice but to advocate elevating Scary Evil Monkey to the official roster of IMAO posters.
What I find truly scary is that Scary Evil Monkey is a conservative Democrat!
Hauke Haien beat me to the punch. No sooner did I get into work this moning than there was a picture in the local paper of Nancy Pelosi gloating to her minions (the angle of the photo even made it look like she was throwing the Nazi party “Roman Salute”; if she was it wouldn’t be surprising). That picture of ESM looks notoriously like “Godess Moonbat” on one of her better days!
Then it is time to go hunting for Bushmeat. Once you are roasted and fed to the dogs, you won’t be so feisty or cheeky.