Washington D.C. (AP) President Bush will announce a two phase plan to reinvigorate the nation’s economy at a White House press conference tomorrow. Phase I of the Bush plan calls for removal of the Capitol Rotunda and its replacement with the world’s largest commode. Phase II calls for the collection of $150 Billion of taxpayer money, which will then be thrown into the gigantic crapper and flushed away.
FYI—-there is a new iowahawk story up–and it cuts to the bone!!
I’d love to have that in wallpaper-sized resolutions. It’d go on my desktop on a permanent basis.
Clearly Ted Kennedy is Bluto but who’s the best Otter?
“I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.”
The Republican ’08 slogan could be:
Bush is probably planning on borrowing billions more from China to pay for this. The only good thing Bush did was cause the GOP to implode. Good luck winning an election any time soon GOP losers. Suck on Bush losers. Suck on your man. Little did you know it but you all became his lil’ bitch these past years. Your party inherited his lame legacy. And you’ll be sucking on that legacy for quite a while before people forget it. Dubya is your party’s Jimmy Carter. You’re screwed!
Both sad and hilarious… but mostly hilarious. I love it!
Also, I second the wallpaper request.
Do a barrel distortion / fisheye correction before making the wallpaper.
And the trouble is, humor comes from exaggeration, and this is no exaggeration.
#5 posted by Willowisp
Mr. Willowisp, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who reads your comment is now dumber for having done so. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
the problem with the wallpaper issue, is that the time commitment would be too great — it would take a lot longer to find source photos, and the level of time/detail would be really difficult for me to swing — you see tons of problems in big images, that go mostly unnoticed in the low resolution pics — also, this is just a side-hobby for me — i don’t have a great deal of experience with photoshop, and zero training 00 frankly, i don’t even know how i ended up on this site, except that frank is an even bigger amateur than i 😉
Here ya go, wallpaper fans. I’d be flattered for a credited showing Cadet Happy.
Capitol Commode
Every package I’ve seen talked about so far, no matter if from the GOP or DNC, is any more than a Socialist style redistribution of wealth. “lets’ take the money from the “rich” (meaning the 1% of the American population who pay 65% of all Federal revenues) and give it to the people who don’t pay Federal Income Taxes because they arebelow the minimum.” Please tell me how you can NOT pay something and qualify for a “rebate”?
If you want to fix the economic problems you have to drastically cut government spending(personally, I think we could get rid of at least half of all non-military jobs at the Federal level)
Next eliminate all taxes on investment and saving income of all type, give people a reason to save rather than use credit.
My personal proposal for fixing the tax issue is the elimination of manditory payroll deduction if you filed and had no tax liability the previous year. If you payno tax, when you file the IRS issues an exemption number that you give to your employer and you keep ALL your paycheck the net year. As long as you file and have no liability, you don’t pay. That gives the money to the people who really need it most and will increase their ability to bot buy what they need and hopefully save something. The reduction in intake will also help force government to cut spending.
But it’ll never happen.
Sorry Clay, I couldn’t hear you over the loud sound of my fapping. Wouldn’t get any action otherwise.