He’s still around?
Archive of entries posted on 28th January 2008
Reacting to Backlash, Clinton Campaign Neuters Attack Dog
Thought of the Day
You’ll always be happy as long as you can still enjoy the simple things in life — such as wearing a warm poncho straight out of the dryer on a cold day.
I got the poncho during a stop in Mexico on our honeymoon cruise, and thus I assume its an authentic Mexican poncho. I mean, they wouldn’t make ponchos in Taiwan and ship them to Mexico, would they? Plus, I assume Mexico still has plenty of good poncho makers because if you could make a good poncho, why in the world would you ever be motivated to illegally sneak into America to do unskilled labor?
Anyway, I bought the poncho so I could dramatically sweep it over my shoulder to reveal the six-shooter at my hip — just like my hero The Man With No Name (Other Than Joe, Manco, and Blondie). It ends up, though, that wearing a poncho today just makes people avoid so you never needed the six-shooter in the first place. So instead of it being a peacemaker-concealer, the poncho is now just something I throw on on a cold morning when I’m too lazy to get dressed and want to lounge around reading the nets. I guess that means that instead of being a pajama-wearing blogger, I’m a poncho blogger… which is way cooler.
Thought of the Day
You’ll always be happy as long as you can still enjoy the simple things in life — such as wearing a warm poncho straight out of the dryer on a cold day. I bought the poncho so I could dramatically sweep it over my shoulder to reveal the six-shooter at my hip. Now the poncho is just something I throw on on a cold morning when I’m too lazy to get dressed and want to lounge around reading the nets. I guess that means that instead of being a pajama-wearing blogger, I’m a poncho blogger… which is way cooler.
[Not advisable.]
You Ever Get the Feeling That McCain Is Simply Running for President as a Big “Screw You!” to Conservatives?
It sometimes seems that way. Frankly, we are a bunch of assholes, but I still don’t think we deserves this treatment.
He’s still better than Huckabee.
Uncivil War on Airor America
Do yourself a favor and tune into Airor America in the next week or so (you can live stream it on the web free–no one in their right mind would actually pay for it). The “progressive” hosts are frothing at the mouth in support of their Democratic candidate of choice. Hillary supporters are slamming Obama about what a “crybaby” he is, and how he has zero qualification to be President. Obama supporters are slamming Hillary and Bill about how he is overpowering her, accuse the Clintons of resorting to guttural, racist tactics, and even throw in the “sham marriage” and infidelity accusations that have long been a favorite talking point of the “vast wing conspiracy”. Edwards supporters are . . . well . . . they aren’t really doing anything since there aren’t any. The next month or so will likely be the only time in the foreseeable future when you, like me, may actually be able to listen to these “progressive” idiots for more then 60 seconds without retching. This window is more narrow than your typical Mars shot, and nearly as rare as the return of Haley’s Comet. Don’t miss out on your chance to hear the Democrats fall over themselves to eat their young, even though your instincts and every fiber of your being fight against tuning into their leftist, lunatic, propaganda machine.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Just So Someone Says It Publicly *UPDATED*
I’ve known this since freshman year of college when, for a class, I read an interview with her in which she lamented that too many blacks were going to school, but I’ve never said it here: Toni Morrison is a racist dumbass of monumental proportions. If you combined the worst condescending attitudes towards black people of a white liberal with an actual black person who thus has no fear of saying whatever she wants about blacks, you get Toni Morrison.
I remember in that college class I had a choice between getting an A or saying exactly what I thought of Toni Morrison in my final paper. It was an easy choice.
BTW, I learned from that same class by reading Beloved that a novel has to be some pretty atrocious crap to win both the Pulitzer and the Nobel Prize. Man did I need a Tom Clancy novel as a palate cleanser after that.
I’m getting creamed on the original version of this post which was egregious in its errors even by my own standards. I guess I’ve gotten too used to the forgiveness of my readers and shouldn’t have hacked out a post before my morning coffee and not even proofread it. Still, I hope the two points of the post were still clear:
1. I really hate Toni Morrison.
2. I’m still obsessed with every B I got in college.
On the subject of glass houses and kettles, look what I found in Ann Althouse’s post — the same post in which she is very mean to me:
But now, she’s supporting Obama, and it’s not necessary a contradiction.
I think that should be “necessarily”… emphasis on “think” because I don’t have a very good track record today. Mistakes are why pencils have erasures erasers, though.
State of the Climate: A Review
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Philandering Democrat and failed 1988 presidential candidate Gary Hart is reduced to pimping the “State of the Climate” assessment delivered to the White House on the eve of President Bush’s “state of the nation” address. This assessment was prepared by the Presidential Climate Action Project, a “non-partisan” group awash in socialist lapdogs.
Since few people have the stomach to read this commie pap sandwich, I’ve taken the liberty of digesting it for you, and will vomit the remains into your hungry minds like a doting mother bird:
The “State of the Climate” declaration urges ten steps that must be taken before the 44th president delivers the next state of the union address:
Or we will all die.
1) Recognize that climate change transcends politics and partisanship.
Code for “Republicans need to shut the hell up so that we can inflict our superior wisdom on the benighted masses.”
2) To reverse our catastrophic slide, accept that sacrifices will be required.
And accept that when there are sacrifices, there are those who make them and those who collect them. Guess which group PCAP plans to fall into?
3) Acknowledge that climate action requires a new national energy policy.
Here’s a policy – kill anyone who causes a temperature change of more than ten degrees. Mission accomplished.
4) Recognize that our national security is at stake with climate deterioration.
I assume because increasing temperatures – like everything else – angers the Arab Street.
5) Begin transition to a post-carbon economy. Opening new economic opportunities for all segments of society.
Except those who work in the multi-trillion dollar carbon-based energy part of the economy.
6) Impliment[sic] concrete climate action at home to set the stage for engaging other nations.
So… when the mob put Hoffa in a barrel of cement & dumped him in the harbor, they were just being environmentally prescient?
7) Break the hold of entrenched special interests over our climate policy.
FINALLY something sensible! I sincerely wish PCAP the best of luck in getting Al Gore and the MSM to stifle their yammering cakeholes. If it keeps NBC from having another Eco-Nazi Green Week, I’ll personally cut those boys a check for 20 large.
8) Make a major investment in federal earth sciences research.
Part of good investing is knowing when to cut your losses, so de-funding Gaia-worshipping scam artists would definitely qualify.
9) Evaluate products and energy supplies for climate impact over their lives.
I already do that, which is why I bought a low-efficiency SUV and leave it idling in my driveway 24/7. Pave the Planet, people!
10) Recognize that climate change is the leadership issue of our times.
At least for the people who haven’t been killed by terrorists.
Hey, I’m not saying Hart is an idiot for getting involved in this nonsense, I’m just saying his priorities are skewed.
And THAT makes him an idiot.
America Should Decide Who Lives and Who Dies
There are a lot of evil people in the world there who walk out in the open with no fear. They are called “rulers of other countries.” It’s time this practiced ends. It’s time they end. With all the sniper rifle and bomb technology we have, there is no reason that evil people should rule any country any where in the world… or ever show their face publicly ever again.
It is time America starts systematically killing everyone we know to be bad.
Now, some ask what give us the right to decide who lives and who dies. I answer that the fact that America is superior at everything means we deserve the exclusive right to decide who lives and who dies. Many foreigners are only alive today because America’s existence scares away evil, so we deserve to be able to kill many many people in payment for how many we’ve helped live. If anyone disagrees with this, that’s okay; just don’t do it vocally if you’re a foreign because we can and probably will kill you. That’s what you get for getting in the way of solving the problem that evil people are still breathing.
Frank J. ‘XX for Some Office
“Genociding evil.”
Race War!
Apparently, the Democrats are having some inner-party race war. Apparently Bill Clinton compared Obama’s South Carolina win to that of Jesse Jackson’s who won solely by getting the black vote. Now, any comparison of anyone to Jesse Jackson for any reason is fighting words, but apparently the first black president, Billy Jeff, is trying to stir up white people against their black oppressors who are denying them the first woman president by implying that the only reason anyone is voting for Obama is because of his skin color. Interestingly, the Democrat vote in SC was something like 61% female (really, you have to be pretty dickless to vote for any of those nanny-state ninnies), so it’s more of a race war between white women and black men. I don’t know where the Hispanics are going to land, but I’d like to remind them that the Republican Party will welcome them with open arms (just make sure you have your proof of citizenship handy).
Interesting that while the Republicans are floundering, the Democrats are violently ripping themselves apart. No matter how badly Republicans fail, we can always count on the Democrats to fail even more spectacularly (which is why both parties are crap right now). The Clinton “watch out for the scary black voter” strategy will probably work, too, since it’s pretty well known that if you scratch a liberal, you reveal a ginormous racist. You don’t get that patronizing by actually respecting your fellow man.
Congratulation on Obama’s South Carolina Win
Obama had a huge win in South Carolina, and I, for one, welcome our new Obama overlord. I’d like to remind him that as a trusted blogger personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in his underground healthcare caves.