Thought of the Day

You’ll always be happy as long as you can still enjoy the simple things in life — such as wearing a warm poncho straight out of the dryer on a cold day.
I got the poncho during a stop in Mexico on our honeymoon cruise, and thus I assume its an authentic Mexican poncho. I mean, they wouldn’t make ponchos in Taiwan and ship them to Mexico, would they? Plus, I assume Mexico still has plenty of good poncho makers because if you could make a good poncho, why in the world would you ever be motivated to illegally sneak into America to do unskilled labor?
Anyway, I bought the poncho so I could dramatically sweep it over my shoulder to reveal the six-shooter at my hip — just like my hero The Man With No Name (Other Than Joe, Manco, and Blondie). It ends up, though, that wearing a poncho today just makes people avoid so you never needed the six-shooter in the first place. So instead of it being a peacemaker-concealer, the poncho is now just something I throw on on a cold morning when I’m too lazy to get dressed and want to lounge around reading the nets. I guess that means that instead of being a pajama-wearing blogger, I’m a poncho blogger… which is way cooler.

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  1. So are you saying you put your poncho on RATHER than getting dressed which is way GAY and way Disturbing, In my humble opinion…but I’m a bit “disturbed” having watched so much disturbia over the last number of years so maybe it’s ok to just wear your poncho…but I don’t think so…but I lived through 8 years of Clinton in the White House so maybe it is ok…

  2. “So are you saying you put your poncho on RATHER than getting dressed which is way GAY and way Disturbing,”
    I guess it really depends on what you’re wearing under the poncho. Going commando, definitly weird. Boxers and a T-shirt, pretty normal.

  3. You should sell ponchos on this blog. Custom imprinted ones. Use those same girls modeling the t-shirts. Then we can all help stimulate the economy by buying ponchos and stimulate ourselves looking at the babes. Your post makes me really want a poncho now and I will buy one, may as well be from IMAO. I will pay more if made in America. I need at least a 2X.
    On second thought I always wanted a piece of the internet pie and I think I will go into the online poncho sales business myself. How can anyone resist all the advantages including warmth, comfort, peace-maker concealment, etc.
    Oh and I would do Martha Stewart if she put a poncho on with nothing else under it.
    Wonder what Ron Paul’s take on this is? Another good benefit of ponchos is a good shield against evil monkey poop.
    Look at what this blog has done to me.

  4. Wow! I always know that if I just keep coming back here I’ll find something on the Internet that makes it all worthwhile. Wow!! Ponchos!!
    Should I buy my husband one?
    And could you post a photo. I keep picturing Homer in the moo-moo. You know the episode when he purposely gained weight so that he could work at home, but I know that’s not you.

  5. So here’s the question: If you’re wearing a poncho, what’s a more important accessory: a sombrero, or a gunbelt with a six-shooter?
    I think it’s the six-shooter, ’cause it’s really hard to use a hat to shoot at people who make fun of your poncho.
    Incidentally, there are a couple of people on ebay selling reproductions of the poncho worn by Eastwood in the Man With No Name movies. Sadly, I think I want one.

  6. Poncho Blogger? Didn’t he lead some raids into the New Mexico Territories in the 1890s? I seem to recall we had to send General Blackjack Pershing down there to straighten his tortillas out.

  7. I bought a poncho down Mexico way about ten years ago. It was great to wear fishing in cold weather. Plus, when it got wet it smelled like burro.
    I wore it once to a pick-up football game. My friends laughed so hard beer is still coming out of their noses.

  8. As someone who can recite all three Man With No Name movies verbatim, I find the fact that you have a poncho to be the coolest thing ever.
    I bought a both a pair of boots that matched Clint’s as well as a pair that would match Lee Van Cleef’s. So I have a pair of brown boots when I feel like honoring Clint and a pair of black ones when I want to be a professional killer like Lee.
    If you think about the third movie as the first from a chronological standpoint, then you’ll see that Clint gets the poncho from a wounded Confederate soldier. I have thought about these movies a lot.
    And no, a sombrero is not what you want to wear with the poncho. You have to wear the Clint Eastwood-style hat. The flat-topped kind with the circular brim. You know the one.
    FrankJ is now my hero among bloggers. The Blogger with No Name.

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