$10 at 10:00

Fred Thompson is really close to his $1 million for South Carolina. One of his bloggers came up with the idea that everyone give $10 at 10:00 tonight. Fred Thompson is already moving in the polls in SC (and Huck is dropping) so that he’s statistically tied for second, the media is finally talking about him, and he’s having to turn people away at events because of overcrowding, so if we keep up the momentum he can pass McCain and get a clear win. I’ll be putting $10 in (it’s an investment for my future) in about an hour (ten on the East Coast), so think of doing the same.
Click here to donate.

Ronin Profile: kingaljr


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s kingaljr.

What’s the story behind your name? No real story to tell,when I first set up an ISP account the username I wanted was already taken so I threw together a mess of family names I could remember easily and just kept on using it.
Where do you live? Coon Rapids Minnesota,stop laughing it’s a real town.
How old are you? Just a hair over 50.
Tell us briefly about yourself. Not much to tell. I am an Army brat born in Germany who moved to Chicago when I was 7 and lived there for 5 years before moving to Minnesota. I dropped out of high school in 71 and joined the Army, not the brightest thing to do at the time. After doing my 3 years I started driving a truck all over the lower 48 until settling down and getting a local job about 15 years ago.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Just about 3 years, I originally came here following a link the late great Allan at Barking Moonbat had posted and have been stopping by daily ever since. I think it was something to do with Frank being the Devil or something.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Frank the Artist, the Donald Duck hat = Navy line still kills me.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? “our little homosexual”
[You’re little! -Ed.]
What’s your favorite political issue? How big a twat governor Pawlenty is, sorry fellow Minnesotans but he lost me with the smoking ban, the sniveling to the casino’s for more money to spend etc. He’s turning out to be another Arne Carlson.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Nope.
Does fire have mass? Only if FRED says it does. Yeah I know that’s a copout but I haven’t a clue, remember I dropped out.

If you commented in the last post asking for entrants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Time to Repeal the Civil Rights Act

So Hillary’s saying it was Johnson that got the Civil Rights Act passed and Obama’s saying that if MLK hadn’t been pouting & stamping his feet about it all those years, yonder Texan never would’ve signed it.

“I have a dream that the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood and vote for me, or else they’re all racists.”

Well, like two kids fighting over a toy, the only solution is to take it way so that NO ONE can play with it any more. Let’s repeal the stupid thing.
Besides, just like the outdated, irrelevant 2nd Amendment, the Civil Rights Act was written by a bunch of rich, white, slave-owners who’ve been in their graves for over 200 years.
Ok, maybe they weren’t slave-owners, and some of them aren’t dead, but if white guilt can be collectively shared (the root premise of Affirmative Action), than so can white deceasity. I’d challenge you to prove me wrong, but you’re probably a dead white guy.
And I don’t know why Obama wants to identify with the Civil Rights movement, anyway. They guy’s barely even black. He could easily pass for Mexican, or even Barney Fife with a good tan. He could drink out of any damn fountain he wanted to and no one would raise an eyebrow.
Does Obama think he could have led the Civil Rights Movement? That smarmy, sniveling, spaghetti-spined, non-confrontational peace-weenie can’t even bring himself to call terrorists “terrorists”, much less kill the ones who are currently either killing Americans or planning to, and that’s a DAMNED easy call to make. How would he have found the jingleberries to stand up to a bunch of Southern Democrats who could hide behind a semi-defensible “State’s Rights” argument?.
If Obama had been calling the shots during the Civil Rights era, he’d have offered a compromise where they’d just make longer busses so that there’d be enough front seats for EVERYONE to ride in.
And maybe pass a federal law to declare that restaurant booths would be officially re-named “lunch counters”.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgAfter embarrassing himself by pushing on a door marked “pull”, John Edwards will embarrass himself further by pulling and getting the same result.

Hillary declares self “first colored Presidential candidate”

BBC News, Hong Kong — Hoping to siphon off support from Barack Obama, the first viable black Presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton completed treatment today at a local research hospital to become “the first colored Presidential candidate.” Clinton modified her genetic structure utilizing jellyfish DNA so that she now glows pale green in the dark. The technique was perfected earlier this year in animal experiments involving pigs. Researchers indicated at a press conference that the procedure was successful because Clinton’s genetic structure is almost identical to that of a sow. Clinton, who has been traveling on the campaign trail with her husband and former President Bill Clinton for the past four months, stated that she thought her pale green pallor would appeal to voters and matched nicely with the blue glow emanating from her husband’s crotch.

Don’t Eat Crap

I just don’t get this primary process. It’s like primary voters are even dumber than general election voters. You’d think in an election where only Republicans vote, a conservative would run away with it. So why are any of the other candidates than Fred Thompson still in this? This should be a simple choice for Republicans like “Do you want to eat a piece of crap or prime rib?” Yet, Republican primary voters are saying, “Well, these pieces of crap have been around for a while and I’ve spent some time considering eating them. The prime rib came in too late. I’m going to eat a piece of crap,” or, “The prime rib is showing no energy. These pieces of crap have so much buzzing around them. I’m going to eat one of them,” or, “That prime rib never spent any time in my state until now. I’m going to eat a piece a crap to teach it a lesson!” or, “Eating this piece of crap would be a great way to identify myself as a Christian!”
Now that the prime rib has pointed to a piece of crap and said, “That’s a piece of crap,” some people are finally saying, “Yeah. I guess it is. Maybe I should have the prime rib,” but why couldn’t people figure that out for themselves? I know we couldn’t have this for the general election, but can’t we have some sort of IQ test for the Republican primary to get rid of the dummies? Things would go much better if we could just weed out the people who are just going to go into the voting booth or caucus and eat crap.

Liberal Fascism

Jonah Goldberg has finally come out with his book Liberal Fascism, and it seems to have upset liberals. Now, anyone who has spent time with liberals, especially on a college campus or read their writing on the Daily Kos or the HuffPo, knows that liberals are ginormous fascists. You’d think liberals would recognize the fact and react to Goldberg’s book calling them fascists with, “Yeah, that’s pretty much true.” Instead, they’ve been lashing out with impotent rage, redirecting their anger of their own fascism at Goldberg’s book. Amazon.com has even had to delete the excessive one star reviews since they were obviously just based on the title and not from people who actually read the book.
Anyway, I haven’t gotten my copy yet so I can’t recommended it unequivocally (and I totally didn’t have to browbeat Jonah Goldberg into sending me a free one), but I should mention that it will eligible for the New York Times bestseller list in about two weeks and it would be pretty awesome to have the phrase “Liberal Fascism” at the top of that list. The book is doing pretty well on Amazon right now, so keep your fingers crossed.
BTW, NR has a blog just for keeping track of reactions to the book.

Republicans Transform

“I’m ready to debate Obama!”

A reader of the Corner sent in an idea that I think was a pretty good suggestion: The Republicans stop their feuding and their fighting and combine announcing Fred Thompson as president, Mitt Romney as Vice President, McCain as Secretary of Defense, and Giuliani as Secretary of Homeland Security. This is a cool idea. Now, anyone who is a not a moron likes everything about Fred Thompson, so he’d be a great president. Mitt Romney is a conservative in training, so he’d be good for vice president. The only thing McCain is right on is the war, so why not put him a position where that’s the only view that matters. And Giuliani would be a great Secretary of Homeland Security if he would just prove his bona fides on illegal immigration by beating a Mexican drug smuggler to death with a Maglite — something I’m sure he’d be more than willing to do.
In addition, it could be announced that Mike Huckabee will be the White House Press Secretary where he can use his talking skills for good instead of evil. And Ron Paul could be made a security guard at the National Archives so he can make sure no one messes with the Constitution.
If Republicans announced a ticket with all the frontrunners on it, wouldn’t they be unstoppable? They’d be taking the best of each Republican and putting it together into one super Republican — like Voltron. While each of the robot tigers are kinda cool on their own, they’re supercool and unstoppable when put together as the giant robot warrior Voltron (Fred Thompson: “And I’ll form the head!”). The Democrats would run fleeing from such a thing and the Republicans would walk away with the election.

Kill, Protect, Punch Part 2

An awesome way to start your day from John Hawkins:

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Terminators from the future travel even farther into the future to get that much more distance between them and Fred Thompson.