Unfortunately, I missed this poll from John Hawkins. It’s on right-leaning bloggers’ presidential choices. Now, the bloggers’ preference out of the Republican candidates is pretty obvious, but what about if Fred Thompson isn’t a choice? What if it’s between McCain and Huckabee and sucking on the barrel of a gun isn’t an option? The answer might surprise you!
Archive of entries posted on 11th January 2008
You guys don’t appreciate the sacrifices made to find just the perfect photo to tear apart . . .
When looking for an Aquaman costume source photo, I came across a flickr account that has to be seen to be believed. As you can see below, he takes the Aquaman character in interesting directions. Have a gander at his gallery. (It is all SFW–at times slightly disturbing, but SFW). I swear I saw that coffee table and chair in Frank’s living room . . .
UPDATE — don’t stray far from the page I linked to if not at home — apparently there are some NSFW photos in his larger gallery — who’d have thunk a bondage loving cosplay Aquaman fan would be into trouser snakes?
Ronin Profile: Canerican
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Canerican.
What’s the story behind your name? I was born Canada, and I moved to the US about three years ago, Canerican seemed like a logical combination of the two.
Where do you live? Amherst, NY (which is proudly one of the only places in NY to vote for President Bush in 2000 and 2004)
How old are you? 19
Tell us briefly about yourself. Well, I was born near Montreal, which is possibly the most Liberal city in North America next to Havana. After 17 years of hearing about how bad America was I decided I needed to move there! I graduated high school in NY, and am now attending the University at Buffalo. I have literally
infiltrated two of the biggest Liberal bases! I am hoping that when I graduate that I can move down South (maybe Virginia or the Carolinas), New York may be Conservative compared to Canada, but I want to live in a place where Hillary Clinton wouldn’t stand a hope of getting elected.
How long have you been reading IMAO? I’d say about a year, I actually starting reading when you guest blogged for RWN.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? There are so many great ones, maybe “Hillary Clinton is the only Presidential candidate mention in the book of Revelations.” (my Dad is a minister and I wanted him to quote that before his sermon, but he wouldn’t) – probably the one about Ron Paul channeling the ant overlords (I showed that to anyone who would listen, until an angry mod of Paulians smashed my computer)
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Hilarious. Manly. Sledgehammer.
What’s your favorite political issue? I really think that killing the terrorists is important to America, or at least making sure that they don’t kill us. I think that the economy is also a biggie in my books, as is illegal immigration.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Nope, I leave that up to the experts! But I do moderate a forum called vdrums.com
What’s your opinion on the hippie problem? I think it is self regulating problem (see the links below), if Fred Thompson wins in ’08 we won’t even need to wait for California to float away.
If you commented in the last post asking for entrants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
Broken News: Aquaman endorses Fred Thompson
ATLANTIS (AP) – As noted by Frank J. this morning, Aquaman has announced his endorsement of Presidential candidate Fred Thompson.
Speaking at a press conference from his mother’s bathtub, Aquaman proclaimed “Who better than I, a fictional character, to endorse a fictional candidacy.”
Aquaman’s first order of business as a Thompson supporter was to telepathically enlist the aid of the official fish of the Thompson campaign: the flounder.
America: No Cover for Women
While pandering to Hispanics, Hillary said this:
“No woman is illegal.”
So do you think that’s going to become official U.S. policy as to avoid America becoming one big sausage party? As much as people take a very principled stand on illegal immigration, I think a lot of opposition would be dropped if it were just hot chicks coming across the border.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Although not a pack rat by nature, John Edwards just can’t talk himself into throwing out his Jane Fonda workout video & leg warmers.
Bonus Fact from Chris:
John Edwards has a bitch bell.
[Caution: Once viewed, this video can’t be un-seen. Not responsible for loss of sleep, composure, or sanity.]
“That Just Sticks in My Craw”
Hopefully There Is a Margin of Error of +/- 50 Points
Dennis Kucinich has asked for a recount in the New Hampshire primary where he got 2% of the vote. We at IMAO have received the exclusive results of that recount…
Continue reading ‘Hopefully There Is a Margin of Error of +/- 50 Points’ »
She Could Do SO Much More
A lot of folks are saying that Hillary’s girly-ass crying jag actually made her MORE popular with some voters who obviously don’t deserve the franchise. Something about making her someone they could identify with. “She’s crying… I’ve cried… Therefore she’s the fittest candidate to hold the reins of power in the mightiest nation on the face of the Earth. What could possibly go wrong?”
Well, since I can’t see any flaws in that chain of logic, I’ll suggest that Hillary work even harder on her relatability quotient. Here are my helpful hints:
* After kissing babies, refrain from observing that they “taste like chicken”.
* Upon clumsily injuring yourself in public, belt out a hearty obscene Anglo-Saxonism instead of getting that vaguely aroused look of mixed pain and delight.
* Complain that cable TV is too expensive, not that it’s drowning in an ocean of Obama suck-uppery.
* No white shoes after Labor Day, no cleavage after age 60.
* Get a tramp stamp.
* Fix a broken bra strap with duct tape.
* Quote Homer Simpson often and with gusto.
* Next debate, criticize your opponents for leaving the toilet seat up.
* Prove how hectic your public-service-oriented lifestyle is by letting your gray roots poke out an inch or two between colorings.
* Flash some whale tail.
* Belch loudly, smack your lips, and say “There’s that Taco Bell again”.
* Divorce your cheating husband.
Whatever you do, don’t leave any more advice in the comments, lest she take it and win the election.
The Mystery Conservative Endorsement of Fred Thompson Is…
Me, Aquaman!
A lot of people have been asking me to weigh in on the Republican primary despite the fact that I vote in Maine which doesn’t exactly have a lot of pull on the decision process. Still, I think the fate of America, the world, and even the seas could rest on the next president of the United States, and I comfortable with that burden on the shoulders of Fred Thompson.
Since I first burst into the scenes in the 1940’s by fighting Nazis, people have always said, “That Aquaman is an American we can trust!” So trust me when I say a vote for Fred Thompson is important. I’ve talked to many a fish, and none of them are enthused by the other candidates. Now, you may, “But fish don’t vote.” Yes, but… hm… I thought I had a point…
Anyway, the Democrats are sure to either put Hillary or Obama as their candidate, and either one of them would be a disaster. Hillary Clinton scares fish. When she goes near the water, fish flee. And I’ve always said, “If fish don’t trust someone, I don’t trust someone.” As for Obama, he reminds me of my arch-nemesis Black Manta… and I’m not comparing the two because they’re black, but because their both shifty and I’m sure have hidden agendas.
So who on the Republican side can stand against such villainy? Not Rudy Giuliani, who refused me a ticker tape parade when I visited New York City. He didn’t even shake my hand. How about McCain? Well, he plans to fill the sea with Mexicans until there are no jobs left for honest octopi. As for Mitt Romney, last time he went swimming in the ocean the product in his hair killed all the sea life within a mile radius. And that rube Mike Huckabee wouldn’t know an Iran from an iPod or an inlet from an estuary.
Then there’s Ron Paul, but it’s hardly worth mentioning that he’s under the control of Darkseid.
That only leaves Fred Thompson. He has the experience and the leadership to fight evil and keep terrorists out of the oceans and even lakes. Vote for Fred Thompson, because Aquaman says its cool!
BTW, if you’re reading this, Fred Thompson, I know you have contacts in Hollywood, and I have a great idea for an Aquaman movie and who should play me. Please e-mail.