Washington D.C. (AP) President Bush will announce a two phase plan to reinvigorate the nation’s economy at a White House press conference tomorrow. Phase I of the Bush plan calls for removal of the Capitol Rotunda and its replacement with the world’s largest commode. Phase II calls for the collection of $150 Billion of taxpayer money, which will then be thrown into the gigantic crapper and flushed away.
Archive of entries posted on 17th January 2008
George W. Bush, Man’s Best Friend
I saw a brief bit of a Frank Luntz focus group for the last Democratic debate, and man was that a gaggle of morons. They were all going on and on about how Bush cares for nothing except making his rich oil friends richer. Do they understand they’re basically saying President Bush is a friend of monumental proportions? Basically they think that George W. Bush made the huge financial, mental, and physical expenditure to run for president, be president for eight years, and start a war to gain the hatred for the entire world all so he can make his rich friends slightly richer. And I thought I had a good friend if he’d drive me to the airport.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Frank J.’s Vision for America
As you all know, I support Fred Thompson and his policy ideas. Yet, many of you wonder, “What is Frank J.’s vision for America?” Well, off the top of my head, here it is:
A fist in every hippie’s face.
Criminals on fire, running around the streets.
Every time you turn on the TV, foreign countries exploding.
Tax collectors shunned like in biblical times.
Increased vigilance for pirates.
People deported for being to big a sissy to be an American.
Everywhere a BBQ.
Giant cars left on to burn gas for no reason.
Liberals treated like lepers.
Dinosaurs roam the streets, delivering mail.
Lawyers exiled. Disputes settled by kung fu.
Rocket shoes.
Every movie has America as the hero and huge terrorist body counts. Even Disney films. And romantic comedies.
Monkeys slaughtered.
Katanas are back in style.
Illegal immigrants flee home and write back letters of apology.
Giant robots for some reason.
Everything has bacon in it.
I think that’s a pretty good vision. Anything you’d add to it?
Countries With Big Brass Ones
Not France.
As Michelle Malkin points out, a French car company apologized for running an ad that featured an “insulting” vision of Chairman Mao “David Ogden Stiers” Tse-Tung:
What else would you expect from these losers?
After all, these flea-infested surrender-monkeys have elected out-of-the-closet socialists of their own free will. At least in America we don’t vote for them unless they embrace the informal etiquette of at least calling themselves “Democrats”.
Now GREECE, on the other hand, had a radio station run an ad that REALLY gives the Maoster a makeover:
You should see what they did with Hitler and Stalin.
And you can bet your sweet ouzo that there’s no apology forthcoming from Gyroland.
Elsewhere in the world of sizeable metallic cojones, Japan demonstrates the proper defensive technique when eco-pirates attack your ship with weapons of mass stupidity.
Seriously, Greenie-Weenies, it’s NOT a good idea to piss off a bunch of guys who are bored out of their minds and have no women around to make them act civilized. It’s like walking into a frat house wearing a “NERD” sign hanging around your neck.