The Fred ’08 site lets me keep track of how many people have donated through IMAO, and right now its a total of fifty IMAO readers have given $5,135 to the Fred Thompson campaign. That’s a lot of money towards keeping my awesome t-shirt design relevant throughout 2008. If your donations help propel Fred Thompson to a win in the Republican primary, then Doug from will finally have some more shirts made allowing big Fred Thompson supporters who wear 2X and 3X to order shirts again. Also, it will be good for our country.
The current goal is for Fred ’08 is one million for campaigning in South Carolina raised by midnight tomorrow. As of writing this, the number is only eleven bucks under $900,000. Fred Thompson is already seeing a surge of support, so let’s keep it up and get a strong conservative as president and help me sell more shirts.
Then again, does this mean I have to keep coming up with researching Fred Thompson Facts every day for the rest of the year? What about when he’s president? I didn’t think this through…