Here’s what your donations to Fred Thompson paid for (BTW, now 90 donations through IMAO for a total of $6,780):
It will run in “nearly every major broadcast channel and market in South Carolina.” Frankly, I think this video will get people pumped more, but I guess this new ad will play to a general audience better.
It’s going to be a fight Saturday, and if you’re anywhere near South Carolina, help out in any way you can. There’s no reason a conservative shouldn’t be elected in a Republican primary.
Archive of entries posted on 16th January 2008
New in the IMAO store . . .
Ronin Profile: Pantera
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Pantera.
What’s the story behind your name? Well, I choose Pantera because they were one of the few good metal bands in history that never thought they were smart enough to talk about politics. That, and my real name sounds a lot like Pantera.
Where do you live? Chattanooga, TN
How old are you? I was born around the time Clinton was first elected, so that makes me about 15.
[Man, I was entering high school then… and I make other people feel young. -Ed.]
Tell us briefly about yourself. When I was born, we had to move down to Tennessee from Virginia for my own safety. I’ll never know why we moved, but it may have had something to do with the fact I was a newborn baby in a 500 mile radius of Hillary Clinton. I don’t remember anything else from Clinton’s reign except a subtle sense of evil whenever the news came on. I started actually paying attention to politics around the 2004 election. I just couldn’t understand why on earth we would elect someone who would want to deliberately lose a war. Since then, I’ve become slightly addicted to conservative blogs and heavy metal (which don’t usually go together) and am a level 18 undead warrior on WoW.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Probably 2 years. I first came here when I saw your T-shirts on
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Probably the IMW where God comes down from Heaven and proceeds to beat Saudi Arabia with the nation of Syria. That line will crack me up until the day I die.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Funnier than everything-else (that’s one word).
What’s your favorite political issue? Being an armchair general, I ‘d have to say the war in Iraq. Given all the left knows about war is what they see on T.V. ( and barely even that) it’s sometimes difficult to understand how mind-numbingly retarded some of the left’s ideas about war are. Take for example, the idea that having less soldiers is a better strategy than more soldiers. I’m pretty sure General Robert E. Lee never said he would have won Gettysburg if he just had less troops. Or how surrendering will actually lead to victory.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Regrettably, no. I still have to go to school and I’d probably waste all my time reading blogs instead of posting them.
Name a stance you can’t have and be called a Republican. If you watch those Apache gun-camera videos and think of anything other than how awesome they are, you can’t be a Republican. Or if you raise taxes for any reason besides to get more funding for the military.
If you commented in the last post asking for entrants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
Barack Obama expresses admiration for Ronald Reagan . . .
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Bible: Fred Phelps Edition
Fred Phelps and his inbred family are going to picket Camp LeJeune, protesting the Marines with how much they hate teh gheys. This obsession with homosexuality is probably confusing to most Christians as homosexuality was never singled out in the bible as the one sin to go and on about 24/7. There’s no mention of it being worse than general fornication which is probably more rampant. So why would Fred Phelps focus on this one sin to the exclusion of everything else? Well, him and his few followers use a Bible that includes Gospel of Barnabas which is considered apocrypha to most. In this book, God reportedly talks directly to Barnabas and tells him this:
I have spoke of many things, My child, but now I must tell you that there is but one sin that is worse in my eyes than all others: Dudes doing other dudes. If I could convince man away from one sin, it would not be murder or lying; it would be dude on dude action. All the other sins hardly matter in comparison. Actually, forget the rest of my message about love and virtue; only focus on stopping dudes from doing other dudes. It just bothers Me, and thus it should be all you ever talk about. Go into the streets, my child, and proclaim as loudly as you can how much you don’t like dudes giving it to dudes. Even interrupt events that have absolutely nothing to do with dudes doing dudes to spread My message of totally not liking that. They may hate you for it, but they will never mistake you for a dude-doer. Now this may scare people away from you and My message of zero-tolerance for dudes getting it on with other dudes, but know you have gained special favor in My eyes though everyone else will see you as freakish douche. I can’t guarantee you rewards in Heaven for this, as that would contradict My other messages and I’m not ready to do that. Instead, in Hell Satan will most likely sodomize you for all eternity, but won’t the fact that Satan will use sodomy as a torture on you only further prove how much you don’t like it? And isn’t that a moral victory in itself?
In this book, Barnabas ended up ignoring God’s directive since, in his words, it sounded “queer,” but Fred Phelps is of greater faith and greater dislike of dudes totally doing it with other dudes.
Judge Rules Democratic Debate Isn’t Diverse Enough Without Kucinich
LAS VEGAS (AP) – Senior Clark County District Court Judge Charles Thompson said if Kucinich is excluded from MSNBC’s planned Democratic debate, he’ll issue an injunction stopping it.
“The purpose of a debate,” said Thompson, “is to provide a broad and diverse array of viewpoints to the American people so that they will be well-informed enough to make the gravest of decisions – choosing America’s next president. Although it’s good that Obama, Clinton, and Edwards were scheduled to appear – representing African-Americans, Female-Americans, and Sissy-Americans, respectively – there are many minority groups that will have no one addressing their specific needs. This is disgraceful and cannot be allowed.”
Under the terms of Thompson’s ruling, MSNBC was given a list of “critical” American social minorities, and ordered to choose someone to represent that minority on stage during the debate. MSNBC’s completed list appears as follows:
* Loony-Americans – Dennis Kucinich
* Treasonous-Americans – Jane Fonda
* Seditious-Americans – Michael Moore
* Bimbo-Americans – Sheryl Crow
* Weepy-Americans – Terrell Owens
* Truther-Americans – Rosie O’Donnell
* Sleazy-Americans – Howard Stern
* Blowhard-Americans – Al Gore
* Racebaiter-Americans – Jesse Jackson
* Sensible-Americans – [Note from MSNBC Executive Producers] None available in Democratic Party
Judge Thompson agreed with MSNBC’s observation, and – after muttering “what the hell was I thinking?”, crossed the final requirement off the list.
Hillary Clinton immediately filed an appeal against the ruling, explaining that she could technically represent all of the above categories. Judge Thompson threatened Clinton with contempt of court and threatened to make Clinton represent Cuckolded-Americans, causing her to immediately withdraw her request.