Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson is the next American Idol.


  1. Fred would probably suck just as bad on Idol as he does in the GOP campaign. Hopefully he will stick around through Super Tuesday so he can score a lot more 5th and 6th places. That will be quite the laugh riot.

  2. Here’s the only way I know Fred Thompson can win this thing and, if you’ve seen The Bourne Ultimatum, you know it, too.

    Fred Thompson needs to be taken to 415 E 71st St in New York, have a gun placed in his hand, shown a hippie bound to a chair in the corner, and asked, “Will you commit to this campaign?”

  3. We need Fred Thompson to keep ones like Huckabee from being US PASTOR! If Huckabee got elected you could expect to see armed guards escorting all aids patients into concentration camps, and more police on the streets to arrest smokers, and he probably would also make a new law that EVERYONE has to attend his Sunday Masses or get arrested..

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