Caption This!

Drudge had this on the front page this morning.

Barack Hussein Obama

The caption?


That’s lame.

We can do better. Yes we can!

I’ll start:

  • I, Barack, take thee, Joe…

Got any good ideas?


  1. In a desperate move to get more of the “I hate America” vote in France, Senator Barack Obama brings flowers to Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s new multi-million dollar retirement home.

  2. “Hey, these are great! Just one more question – would you happen to have a wicker basket I could get my head stuck in?”


    “Uhhh…. uhhh…. Thanks for the- uh…. for the carna… uhhh. roses, darn. Uhhh…. Hey, whaddya mean, that’ll be $15.50?”

  3. I’d like a card too. Write on it: “Gwen-baby, thanks for last Thursday night. Too bad Joe wasn’t up to the job – but you were great! Love, Your O-Daddy” And send them C.O.D. please.

  4. “Look, these are for the runner-up. And they’re white, so obviously Hillary is nearby. Give them to her. Sure, they’re nice flowers, but this is about being fair. I have the nomination, and Hillary can have the white trash flowers. Give me the golden crown of leaves like the Romans had, or there might be, hell there WILL be, a Long HOT Summer.”

  5. “Handing me these roses is just a distraction. Let me further… uh… say, that. Uh. I, uh, did not know these roses had thorns. What thorns do is despic… uh, horrible. I didn’t even know that thorns hurt people! But I reject the idea that thorns and I are friends. Uh, the roses… I just found out… just now… that roses, uh, may, in fact harm people. I don’t even like roses, uh, I don’t like… thorns. John McCain is old.”

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