I’m sure you’ve seen the stories about the house out in Hollywood that decorated for Hallowe’en by putting up an effigy of Sarah Palin … hanging by the neck.
Some have criticized the display, demanding it be taken down. Others don’t like it, but say it’s all in fun. And then there are those that wish it was really Sarah Palin hanging there.
Me? I’m a supporter of Gov. Palin, and I think the display of her being hung is … perfectly fine.
As long as it’s also okay to have one of John McCain being hung.
And as long as it’s also okay to have one of Joe Biden being hung.
And as long as it’s okay to have one of Barack Obama being hung.
But, if any of those are out of line, well, then so is the one of Gov. Palin.
Thanks for slamming those assclowns. They deserve it.
Oh, just in case anybody has an issue with this; pound a bag of sand, would ya.
Dude, you actually put Obama in the noose. You sir, have bigger balls than Maddox (www.thebestpageintheuniverse).
But if he had a McCain/Palin sign in his yard you know it’d be gone by morning! Why aren’t the Secret Service ‘interviewing’ this guy?
Agreeing with Charon; you got guts, Basil.
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I like it, There should be more of that kinda thinking in the real world, I mean the real world not counting L.A.
Good grief!
Almost Eight years since Florida’s punch hole ballots and
what’s in the news??
A hanging Chad.
Hmmm, I’d bet some neighbors would like to display a hung Chad themselves.
Hey, Chad got exactly what he wanted: attention. Now we all know what an arsehole he is.
Way to go……….sucker in all those who think you are really OK with this disgusting display of only one of the many hate crimes that have been launched against Sarah Palin. I hope Sarah sees your response, hopefully it will bring her a little comfort knowing that she has friends who have enough guts to say so……….since our freedom of speech is really gone.
Can you post this in a link so it can be forwarded? America is waiting!
A young punk looking for attention.
Naturally, the left eats it up.
Basil’s question is valid.
Ha! Time for your Sesame Street programming module to kick in:
“One of these things is not like the other…”
You just know somebody will take that Obama shot and republish it out of context to say how nasty and racist IMAO is. And 99.9% of the numbskulls who read stuff like KOS will never bother to wonder about or check the context.
Idaho Spud – There is a link that can be forwarded: http://www.imao.us/index.php/2008/10/its-okay-to-hang-sarah-palin/#more-1250 Cut and paste into an email. Send to all of your friends, and an extra copy to Jesse Jackson (just for fun).
I was thinking of captions to go with your pic’s, Basil.
McCain: “Damn. I forgot to take a dump first.”
Biden: “When this rope breaks, I’m gonna connect it to you and the bumper of my car!”
Obama: “ACORN, why oh why hast thou forsaken me?!”
It’s pretty obvious that the two guys who did this are gay, if you watch the interviews. Apparently demanding tolerance and practicing it are two very different things.
Frankly, the most bigoted people I’ve ever encountered have been gay, or at the very least liberal democrats. I suspect burning a Christopher Lowell effigy on their lawn or hanging an Obama effigy from a lamppost nearby would upset these people very much, leaving them demanding the very free speech laws they shield behind to be revoked for people they disagree with, and accusing the people doing it of the very intolerance these attention-seekers have gone on national television to express.
I assume it’s okay if I’m hung. If you know what I mean.
We aren’t?
Bravo, Basil. Gotta love a man with balls. (Not the bright, shiny kind, though.)
You know, I came back here for a second look at Basil’s pictures and…
I laughed my HEAD off.
That one of Biden just cracks me up.
I can’t resist…
Charlie: “They said you was hung!”
Bart: “And they was right!”
As long as Obama is confusing “Sanford and Son” with “The Jeffersons,” I’d say that quote is fair game. Wouldn’t you agree?
Looks like your hopes of equality = RACISM!!! Obama effigy found on U. of Kentucky campus (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D944CKD01&show_article=1)
Just one question: When did African Americans get the monopoly on hanging? I would be willing to wager a paycheck that there have been far more non-minorities hung in the US than those of the minority ancestry. I would think an Obama effigy being shot by a minority crack head would bring about much more relevant racial connotations, as African American on African American violence has taken far many more souls than the Democrats in the KKK.
Here’s a hope for change: One possible upside to the tragedy of an Obama presidency, is the hope that Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpron, and their ilk find themselves unemployed, but lets face it, if it were equality they wanted, they would have openly condemned the Sarah Palin effigy.
Palin’s a good looking woman, but I think looks alone aren’t really enough to qualify you as the leader of the free world. An a non-american, I’m glad that the republicans got beat, I have no real issue with McCain, but god forbid something should happen to him and Palin ends up the most powerful person on the planet!
I think they should all be hung, regardless of party affiliation, AFTER a fair trial. We need to have our dreams. Does the Secret Service (is it a coincidence that the SS, the Schutzstaffel, were the protectors of Nazi politicians in the good ole 3rd Reich days?) extend racial quotas to Obama. It seems they don’t give a damn if you hang Palin in effigy and I think hanging her in effigy is great. In case the SS is reading this, I am saying that these dirt bags (whom you protect) should be tried in public for their crimes against the American people and humanity at large and after a guilty verdict be hung on the biggest gallows the world has ever seen. We always here about that quote by MLK that “we should be judge not by the color of my skin but the content of my character.” I’ve done that for Obama. I’ve judged him by the content of his character. And I got no results.
Search Google for images of Sarah or Sen. Cain being hung. See how many come up. Search images of the President in a noose and see how many come up. Making a visual threat to our President can get one visited by the Secret Service. It’s childish to point to a picture of Palin, Cain, or anyone else in a noose and say it’s okay to put an image of the President in a noose because someone did it with one of your heroes. Big difference: others are politicians, one is the actual current President of the United States and should be treated with respect, black or white, Republican or Democrat. Yes, there were a few pics of Bush in a noose. But go ahead and count the number vs. those of Obama. And I wonder if the “he did it so I can too” argument works with your children when they’ve done something bad? “Oh, okay… well if little Willy did it, then it’s okay if you did that too.” It’s also simplistic to hang someone in effigy. That’s why it’s done in countries so often with uneducated masses. They’re frustrated and don’t know really why because they haven’t researched legitimate, verifiable sources for the cause of their angst. They just know they’re mad and want to blame someone. When these angry people put together an image like that, they should stop and think about why they feel the way they feel and research the facts. It’s like a lady on cable news at a gathering outside a debate recently called Obama a Communist. The show host asked her, live on the air, why she believed that. She had no answer. He asked her if she knew what Communism means. She couldn’t answer. People who hang or burn effigies just show the world their own ignorance.
I’m not sure what your point is.
That you didn’t like my post from October 2008 that contained images of three sitting U. S. Senators being treated as a sitting governor was? Or what?
My president is black! My Chevy Volt is blue! And il be Damned if my rims aint too! Lol broke ass crackers cant face the truth huh?!?!… lol
I don’t recollect this news story.