Question on Murtha

Does he have the temperament to be in Congress?

Who am I kidding? There’s tons of embarrassing loons in the House of Representatives. I don’t know why that district in Pennsylvania needs one, though.


  1. What were you drinking? if you removed all those who were just as wacked as he is the halls would be empty. And the nuts are not just Dems, look at the honorable Ted Stevens. The longer they stay the more arrogant and disconnected from reality they become.

  2. The good thing … and it’s the only good thing … about John Murtha? He makes people forget about Cynthia McKinney, who was a rep from my home state (although not my rep; Jack Kingston was mine).

    I can see it now: McKinney/Murtha 2012, the Moonbat Party candidates.

  3. Was born in SW Pa. ,,retired in ANC, Ak .. learned that both areas held good folks.. and that the conservatives where more forward,aggressive, always right and tended to be able to get things done by learning how to end around the rules… wherein the liberal folks where the ones who ended up doing the work and going by the rules. I think john McCain started out this way.. but like the say the wheel came off.

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