McCain’s Racist Code Words

Some folks say that McCain calling Obama “that one” during the debate was racist.

Some folks say that McCain campaign is using “code words” to appeal to the racist vote.

Some folks are absolutely right.

Here are some of the code words & phrases used by John McCain during the debate:

working Americans” – as in Hillary’s “working, hard-working Americans. White Americans.”

the match that lit this fire was Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” – veiled reference to cross-burnings.

I’d like you to see the letter that a group of senators and I wrote warning exactly of this crisis. Sen. Obama’s name was not on that letter” – there’s the “T” word again.

some of these organizations that are the watchdogs” – “dawgs” or “gangstas”. Degrading to inner-city youths.

$3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois” – sounds like “plutonium”, which Obama would sell to Iran because he’s a Muslim and a terrorist sympathizer.

eliminate our dependence on foreign oil” – a black substance.

we’re going to have to eliminate those that aren’t working” – A call for the genocide of the black welfare class.

except for defense, Veterans Affairs, and some other vital programs, we’ll just have to have across-the-board freeze” – subtle plug for Gov. Palin from icy-cold Alaska.

establish priorities with full transparency” – an extreme form of whiteness.

like nailing Jell-O to the wall” – The spokesman for Jello Pudding was Bill Cosby, a black man.

The only bright spot” – almost as obvious as “transparency”.

the smartest people in America” – “whitest”.

he’ll impose mandates” – Obama will force men to have same-sex romantic relationships.

Sen. Obama will fine you” – well, the FIRST letter of the word he meant was “f”…

do the math” – which black people like Obama are too stupid to do

like hair transplants” – blatant Biden dig.

when to go in and when not, when American military power is worth the expenditure of our most precious treasure” – white people.

That requires a cool hand at the tiller” – In a better America, Obama would be a slave out tilling a field.

I’ll get Osama bin Laden, my friends. I’ll get him. I know how to get him” – it’s racist to use middle names.

we hardly know where they are on the map” – a derisive reference to undocumented Mexican migrant workers

I know what it’s like in dark times” – can’t believe he got away with THAT one.

As a Melanin-Challenged-American, I am ashamed to share a skin color with McCain, and hereby denounce all his racist remarks.


  1. In a better America, Obama would be a slave out tilling a field

    When are you racist crackers gonna learn that I’m not black, I’m Muslim? I suppose all brown skin is the same to you huh?

    And oh yeah, as a Muslim I’d be owning that field, not tilling it.

  2. I’m a racist, you’re a racist, she’s a racist, he’s a racist, wouldn’t you like to be a racist too? Be a racist…be a racist…be a racist

    Dr Pepper and “racist” a coincidence? I think not!

  3. Hilary, what are Noid boobs? And where does one get a pair of them? Is that the Noid from Domino’s Pizza fame? I always thought that was a dude?

    I see you used Obama, bush and boobs in the same post. What are you trying to tell us? Is that why he’s hiding his birth certificate? Is Obama a chick?

  4. Obama will finally give us black americans equality. Thats what we been asking for for years now. Finally as black americans we will get to look down at everyone else and let them see how that feels. Its time for payback. Its time we get to be in high paying jobs, lettin you white people clean up after us. Amen!

  5. Dante, how is it equality to be looking down on other people? You need a dictionary, you noid boob. I don’t care what color you are, if you’re a dumbass, you shouldn’t expose your stupidity in public. Besides, no one can make you feel inferior but you. But then, after reading your post, I can see why you would think that.


  6. Do you know how many times McCain has used words that contain the letters “n” or “i” or “g” or even two “g”s or an “e” or “r” in his campaign?

    Possibly hundreds of thousands. How many little children have been poisoned by his secret racist message?

  7. “he’ll impose mandates” – Obama will force men to have same-sex romantic relationships.

    Where’s the racism in that?

    Depends. Does the white man ever get to be the daddy, or does he always have to be the mommy?

  8. “# Dante Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Obama will finally give us black americans equality. Thats what we been asking for for years now. Finally as black americans we will get to look down at everyone else and let them see how that feels. Its time for payback. Its time we get to be in high paying jobs, lettin you white people clean up after us. Amen!”
    # sixpckr Says:

    Dante dreams of the day that whitey be picking up empty cold 45 bottles, empty KFC containers, banana peels and old blunts after working hard all day at the bling-bling factory for Mr. Jameel


  9. I still have several questions on this whole topic.

    Why is it that a demographic that only makes up 15% of the population, with a large percentage either in jail or on drugs or both takes up 75% of the time in any and all debates about politics, culture, social concerns?

    Don’t get me wrong, I think all people should be treated equally. What I have a problem with is some being more equal than others. If you really want people to stop focusing on the color of ones skin than stop talking about it, using it as an excuse for bad behavior, or trading on it for jobs, education and services.

    In most people’s lives, as Freud said, “a Cigar is just a Cigar”. (I refuse to allow Slick Willy to ruin that quote for me, so there!)

    Thus “a person is just a person” and should be judge by their actions and words. Bill Cosbys a gentleman, Kayan West is a gangster, just like Fred Thompsons a patriot and Harry Reids a traitor. People is people.

  10. Barack Obama’s supporters object to the use of his middle name, Hussein, because it might lead people to think he’s Muslim?

    Oh yeah! Big difference. It never would have ever even entered the least beginnings of a suspicion of a thought that he might be Islamic if I’d never known that Hussein was his middle name!

    A chinese guy and a jewish guy are drinking in a bar.
    Suddenly the jewish fellow reaches over and slugs the chinese guy.
    “Why did you do that?”, the chinese guy asks.
    “Because of Pearl Harbor!” says the jewish guy.
    “But Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese!”
    “Japanese, Chinese, what’s the difference?”
    They continue to drink.
    Suddenly the chinese guy reaches over and slugs the jewish guy.
    “Why did you do that?”, the jewish guy asks.
    “Because of the Titanic!”, says the chinese guy.
    “But the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg!”
    “Iceberg, Goldberg, what’s the difference?”

  11. Is this blog for real? Man, I am finding all of this flat out absurd. It appears to me that if a white person says anything at all….they are accused of racism. This is just preposterous.

  12. Pingback: And So It Begins « Obi’s Sister

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