The Senate

Dole and Sununununu have lost, but I’m not going to get too worried unless it really looks like the Democrats are going to get over 60 seats. The main point of the Senate is to keep anything from getting done, and angry forty something Senators can do that just fine.

As long as we don’t have any squishes. If we start to see a Hagel, we better smash him like a cockroach. Squishes are only good for squishing.


  1. LOLbama doz nt see teh point of havin a Congris… teh world wuld b so much betr if LOLbama were ecksecutuv, lejislatuv, and jeudicial branchs of govt all in one. And nt just in any “one,” but “Teh One” w/ a capitol “O.” Thus sayz LOLbama–do nt disagre unles u wanna be caled a rasist.


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