I’ve gotten an alert of a person named “spacemonkey” going from blog to blog trying to get people’s passwords. Be on the lookout for him and DO NOT give him any personal information.
Archive of entries posted on 17th November 2008
Protected: Heinlein
Random Thought
Favoritest Conservatives
John Hawkins now has a list of right-of-center bloggers’ favorite conservatives, and the winner is pretty obvious. I voted this time, but Hagel didn’t make the list.
We Lost the Crazy Stupid People
I saw an article that made me feel a bit better about the election. It’s called “How the GOP lost my vote” by Paul Hsieh. In it he says how he’s voted Republican in previous elections and likes limited government, but didn’t this year because of Republican social issues. The thing is, social issues were less a focus this presidential election than all those previous, so that can’t be the real explanation. Much more likely is this guy just suddenly became retarded for no reasons and started hallucinating social conservatives chasing after him. That goes with the theory this is just a retarded election cycle from which no larger trend will emerge. And, anyway, what can the Republicans do to appeal to retarded, hallucinating voters?
Stop Constitutional Powers with an Internet Petition!
I keep getting e-mail from Democrats.com (unaffiliated with the DNC), and they are pretty much the most idiotic things you’ve ever seen. They’re obviously aimed at twenty point IQ Democrat partisans, but I kinda get the feeling that the people who write these e-mails are a bit smarter than that and realize how stupid they’re ideas are. Like maybe they’re just writing these letters to rile up the howler monkey left to somehow make money or maybe this is all some Republican ploy to give stupid Dems busy work to do.
Anyway, the latest e-mail was entitled “Don’t Let Bush Pardon Himself”, and I clicked on it as I was kinda curious how one would prevent the president from exercising his Constitutional powers if he felt the need to pardon himself from whatever crimes they imagined he did. Their answer: an internet petition. Yes, the useless political activity since the invention of politics — the internet petition — is going to somehow stop Bush from pulling a piece of paper out of his desk and writing himself up a pardon.
I have a useful idea: Locate everyone dumb enough to sign that petition and sterilize them.
Random Thought
Even Newer Symbol for the GOP
I usually don’t read any of your comments, as you are all very annoying and stupid and I am a very busy man, but I thought this one from cptmoroni responding to my idea of putting rocket launchers on elephants was worthwhile:
Elephants are the minions of Satan. Elephants make monkeys look like choirboys, Frank. A better symbol for the New Republican Party and the Republican Underground is a Grizzly Bear carrying shoulder mounted flame throwers and a chain saw.
You know, the elephant symbol was just forced upon the GOP by some cartoonist (they’re always so power mad), but what if we picked our own symbol?
* A dinosaur with rocket launchers on it.
* A robot with gattling guns for arms.
* A nuclear explosion.
* A nuclear explosion on the moon.
* Batman.
* One of those sand worms from Dune.
* Guns. Lots of guns.
* That creature from Cloverfield.
* A hippie getting punched in his dumb monkey face.
* A pile of dead terrorists.
* Fire.
* Mr. T.
Just some ideas off the top of my head. Put your own in the comments.