Just Because I Feel Like It


I’m Sleepy

McCain is delivering his concession speech and we can ponder what all this means tomorrow. A Democrat was going to win the presidency again, so let’s not act like this was the end of the world. In this climate, a lot of people were going to vote for the Democrat even if they think he was going to be worse just to punish the Republicans. Now it’s time for Barack Obama to show he’s more than an pretty, shiny thing people wanted despite not knowing what it was.

And it’s time to start the Republican Underground. WOLVERINES!!!


Words I never wanted to hear Brit Hume say: “That will make Barack Obama, in our view, President-Elect of the United States.”

It hurts my heart.

Murtha Reelected

The apparently the citizens of Pennsylvania District 12 are worthless @#$% who deserve to be @#$% upon.

Peter’s part is in sarahk’s key . . .

Virginia Called for Obama

Goodnight everybody!

I’m Back!

Played a Ted Nugent song. It was very hard.

SarahK did the drums. She likes hitting things with sticks! Yay!

We’re Going to Play a Little Guitar Hero Now

No matter what, you can’t take away my right to rock… or to pretend to rock.

George Bush Got the First Black President Elected

That alone gives him a bigger legacy than Bill Clinton.

Texas Called for Obama!

Good night everybody!

Just kidding; it’s not going to be that big of a landslide.

Hussein! Hussein! Hussein!

It’s his middle name!

I held that in for months, but now that the election is pretty much over, I think it’s okay to say it again.

Goodluck, President Obama

As much as the partisan in me wants him to completely screw up, that would be kinda bad considering the situation we’re in. I only wish him to somewhat screw up with bursts of competency where needed (especially when talking about the war).


What’s a mournful-sounding song? Preferably one sung by a girl and in my range. Give me a list. You’ll be happy you did.

Hey, Europe!

So how many black leaders have you elected?

Yeah, I thought so. So shut up.

Racist crackers.

The “Aww, Screw It” Candidate

The country is still center-right (Obama had to campaign on tax cuts and denied that he wants gun control), but the Republicans have been so horrible lately that too many people just couldn’t bring themselves to reward them with the presidency again. It may seem stupid to put such a shiny object in charge during a time of war, but the Republicans had to get punished some time.

So, in summary, I blame us, Republican voters, since we elected the the sucky Republicans in the first place. Bad us. Ironically, maybe we could have prevented this by being more willing to vote for Democrats in the past.